Recent content by evilbrent

  1. evilbrent

    Hi, long time no see......[/url] just a short note to say hi - PaterFamilias had taken time to write to me on my old thread about my marriage problems and I thought I'd respond - that thread's closed so... The short version is that 2009 was even...
  2. evilbrent


    So it was definitely a new experience for me to get even partly involved in the discussions of a great group of people outside my own country. And I definitely found some good words here to help me understand one or two things about myself. But Xero is right. I think I just upset people here in...
  3. evilbrent

    Is it possible to teach a 3 1/2 year old to pay attention?...

    Is it possible to teach a 3 1/2 year old to pay attention? nnnnnope
  4. evilbrent

    At what age is santa not real?...

    anyway. maybe it's best if I just unsubscribe from this thread.
  5. evilbrent

    At what age is santa not real?...

    whoa whoa whoa. Calm down there Xero. A liar is someone who habitually and remorselessly says things that aren't true, all the time, even if it doesn't matter if they tell the truth just because they can. That's a Real-Liar. A person who says stuff that isn't true isn't a liar, and I never...
  6. evilbrent

    At what age is santa not real?...

    I don't take it to extremes. I just do Christmas differently to you. EVERYONE has a different idea of christmas, is what I'm trying to say. Some people think it's not xmas withouth midnight mass - others think it's not xmas without being drunk by midday and having fistfights on the front lawn...
  7. evilbrent

    At what age is santa not real?...

    The magical parts of christmas for me are: - endlessly hot summer nights with friends and family - walking through parks late at night with the kids and grandparents and family friends going to carols - beer at bbqs - putting up a pretty tree in the loungeroom - driving around to see the...
  8. evilbrent

    At what age is santa not real?...

    magic has to involve lying? I'm not comfortable with that.
  9. evilbrent

    At what age is santa not real?...

    Fiction, pretend, and imagination are in a completely different category to adults saying that things that aren't real are.
  10. evilbrent

    At what age is santa not real?...

    ...if i had MY way we wouldn't be lying to the kids at all... The closest I can bring myself to saying, when they ask me details about Santa is "Well. The story goes that....." <SIZE size="75">Santa is the thin edge of the make-believe wedge that leads to religion, and yes, my wife is sick...
  11. evilbrent

    children with custodial parent, please help...

    It does sound like an awful situation. Look after yourself. That's all you can really concentrate on now - looking after yourself and getting yourself grounded and settled. One day you'll be in a good position to welcome your children back into your life - and if not... you've still got a life...
  12. evilbrent

    Election result...

    The popular vote was still quite close, in the scheme of things, compared to the (what's it called?) electoral college votes.
  13. evilbrent

    Reported Post by evilbrent...

    &lt;r&gt;&lt;URL url="&lt;/s&gt;evilbrent&lt;e&gt;&lt;/e&gt;&lt;/URL&gt; has reported a post.&lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt; Reason:&lt;QUOTE&gt;&lt;s&gt; &lt;/e&gt;&lt;/QUOTE&gt; Post: &lt;URL url="&lt;/s&gt;I am at a loss and need help&lt;e&gt;&lt;/e&gt;&lt;/URL&gt;&lt;br/&gt; Forum...
  14. evilbrent


    oh!!! Already happened huh? Cool.
  15. evilbrent


    ...if it were _me_ I'd be quitting in an instant and I'd spent half the time rock-climbing and bike-riding and hiking.