Recent content by 1stmeridian

  1. 1

    At what age is santa not real?...

    If you haven't watched the movie you should rent "stalking santa" and it is god for all belief levels. I think Santa should be there until they decide otherwise. No need to "break it to them". Let them enjoy while they can and learn to make their own decisions. Of course if you are as old as the...
  2. 1

    What does everyone think about Baby Borrowers?...

    It is pathetic the extremes our media is going to these days in the name of entertainment. Too many distractions from life and the things that are important. We don't watch much TV but the reality shows that they come up with are just getting crazier and crazier. Most of it isn't worth wasting...
  3. 1

    Gettinjg dressed...May have handled this wrong....

    This is something I think most parents deal with. I think Children need the push bust more often than not the thing that will get it done is a little help. They want to feel loved and want to feel that they are getting attention. Make sure that happens often enough that they know it. It may be...