Recent content by Chris Thompson

  1. C

    Healthy snacks...

    keadavisi, Those "veggie chips" are most likely still high in potato content and have added spinach, carrot and other veggies. They taste like chips because they still are very much like them. They're also still cooked in oil, and quite often the oil is something not so good for us. I...
  2. C

    The Art of Potty Training...

    Hi everyone, I'm not sure if links are allowed on this so I won't post one (unless told it is OK). I just published a new book called "The Art of Potty Training: Strategy and Tactics for Low Stress Parenting". Amazon's Kindle store has it on for free right now - but I think only for a couple...
  3. C

    Healthy snacks...

    Hey Gavin - you can cut up your own apples and put some lemon juice on them to keep them from going brown. A bit more eco-friendly and a money saver.
  4. C

    Music for the fam...

    That makes perfect sense to me. Thanks for the explanation.
  5. C

    Music for the fam...

    Xero - this is the rules link I read when I joined. Just checking (with all due respect of course). Just says "no advertising". Nothing about no outside links. I'd love to clarify.
  6. C

    Music for the fam...

    ALL outside linking is against the rules? You're the moderator so I guess you know but are you sure? That's kinda absurd. I mean how are people supposed to share valuable outside content? The entire basis of the Internet is based on linking. I know commercially intended links (advertising)...
  7. C

    Music for the fam...

    Hmmm the expanded URL seems to be a tracking link that gives some kind of credit to "team monica" ... have you any connection with the contest? I don't really see any connection between your question and the promo, so I'm suspicious :)
  8. C

    Please Help!...

    I've answered the survey. A couple of observations: 1) Here is my answer to the last question: <I>Personally I think the best strategy is to use liquid drops that go in the child's juice / water / cereal. It takes away all the crap additives that go into vitamins and removes the tendency for...
  9. C

    I'm new here. Hope to contribute &amp; learn....

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to this forum. I'm an author (audio course called "Talking to Toddlers", and more recently a book called "The Art of Potty Training, Strategy and Tactics for Low Stress Parenting") I specialize in communication tools for parents. I'm not a typical "parenting expert"...
  10. C

    I kinda lost it last night .......

    Gavin - I haven't read your entire thread on this but I have some simple and I hope helpful advice. Basically - put the responsibility for solving this problem on her shoulders, but be there to help. Start by asking her to come up with a list of potential solutions. Ask her to present them...
  11. C

    Being afraid of the dark...

    Night lights are great, but sometimes they don't solve the problem. The key, in my experience, is to softly teach kids that they can imagine anything they want to imagine. Fear is internally manufactured. So is a feeling of comfort and safety. Learn to ask great questions that cause kids...
  12. C

    May switch our kindergartner from public to private school...

    If I can offer a perspective on this ... kindergarten is very much about building social skills too. I've had both experiences so far. My oldest daughter was the youngest kid in JK. She was academically behind. My youngest, now in JK, is one of the older kids in the class. She comes across...
  13. C

    Seven-year-old trying to skip school!!...

    Hi Emma, This thread is a fantastic demonstration of why parents need to just talk to their kids. Sounds like you did an amazing job of figuring out the real underlying issue. Imagine if you just focused on the symptom, which was that your daughter went to somewhat extreme measures to lie to...
  14. C

    My advice to loss weight...

    I've never eaten a raw diet, but definitely think there is some merit to it. Has anyone read Tim Ferriss' book "The Four Hour Body"? I have, and the "slow carb diet" he talks about definitely works. Myself and many friends used it successfully. It's "slow carb" and not "no carb" just to make...
  15. C

    Healthy snacks...

    Great topic in this thread - I'm actually doing a (backburner) project where I want to publish a short book about healthy snack ideas that are easy to make, and school friendly (no nuts, etc). Or at least some of them are school friendly since I believe nuts are a very healthy food choice...