Recent content by ChrisH2

  1. C

    To be or not to be......

    I am the father of an adult daughter with my first wife, and two preschooler daughters with my current partner. I agree with those that have commented previously. In my opinion this is an issue of maturity, security and trust. Whatever the resolution of this issue, if your current relationship...
  2. C

    Unsure of Proper Punishment...

    The first question I have is that if "you don't go swimming any more" are you competent to supervise them at all? If one or both of them do get into trouble will you able to rescue them? Assuming that is a yes: my next observation is that you seem to be setting the children up to fail. At ages...
  3. C

    Feedback needed...

    Without seeing a clearer design concept o would have concerns regards unsecured items retained at head and torso height in a vehicle. Especially in case of a vehicle collision. I also don't see sufficient market for Australia. So during design I would suggest consideration of USA and EU vehicle...
  4. C

    Why do schools allow boys and girls to use the swimming pool at the same time?...

    I see no reason why male and female students should not undertake lessons together, whether in a swimming pool or classroom. Your comment regarding the male students attire smacks of interesting and I would suggest outdated attitudes for current Australian social standards. Are these influenced...
  5. C

    Dry Hacking??...

    Consider one of the bronchospastic diseases such as asthma, presenting as cough rather than wheeze. If so, allergy is one of many causes.