Recent content by Chrissie

  1. Chrissie

    Grandma Treating Step-kids Differently...

    Thats basically what we did as well, the gramma is teh adult, not the innocent child. She is responsible to see them as children and to act as such.
  2. Chrissie

    How long does homework take for your elementary student?...

    Depends on the kids, our oldest is 13, just started middle school and has more then the others..but he is really is our oldest daughter and they are both either done before they get home or they are done within a few minutes of being home. My son who is in 1st is also bright ...he...
  3. Chrissie

    Grandma Treating Step-kids Differently...

    Step23 ~ I have to say we did the same approach with titles as such, but to intentionally leave out a child is another matter in gifts and such. Related or not. Example, If I have 6 kids here (Which happens ALOT might I add LOL!), my 2 biological, Davids 2 biological and 2 neighbor kids..I'm not...
  4. Chrissie

    Grandma Treating Step-kids Differently...

    In agreement with quite a few AND I have been there, my husbands parents and gramma were doing the same thing to my 2 kids at first, because his were lying as we all know they do when families are blending. OK so his parents/gramma believed it, did the same thing. My husband, then fiance, tried...
  5. Chrissie

    Young adults with little interest in opposite sex....

    I think it would be better for you to let him grow into who he is, there are plenty of stright kids with gay parents and I don't think they really do anything differently just be accepting of who he is.
  6. Chrissie

    Made a decision......

    I think thats a great idea, I kept my Lizzie home Until she was 6 as she turned 5 in September (when school started in NY, Literally 2 days after her birthday..) I kept her in preschool halfdays and she did wonderfully, I think this will be a great option for him to mature up a bit. I'm new so...
  7. Chrissie

    Son's Fiance Chooses What He Wears - Is It Ok For Me To Be Concerned Slightly ?...

    I would so not sweat this if he starts going to satanic cult meetings or tattooing tear marks, then worry...I can say, I love to have found another parent who as noticeable as I am! LOL! I thought I was the only one who noticed every tiny change and worried about it! LOL! I even shock...
  8. Chrissie

    Young adults with little interest in opposite sex....

    My husband didn't do much dating, he was too busy in other things and sounds alot like your son is. He met his 1st wife ( he met her when he was 18) and then myself after their marriage ended ( She was cheating on him, which for the life of me I'd never understand as hes a rare man of loving...
  9. Chrissie


    hi there! This forum isn't super active but it is informative and I've noticed respectful and thoughtful of others, which I like and you don't see often in forums. Enjoy, welcome!
  10. Chrissie

    hello everyone...

    Nice too meet everyone, so far this forum is pretty nice and laid back by what I have read. :) Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)
  11. Chrissie

    c-section VS vaginal birth...

    My first Daughter was Emergency c-section, my following 2 deliveries had to be scheduled c-sections because the ER one was a plus sign cut not hip to hip, so it could tear during natural birth and my docs would not even let me think on an option of either or. Recovery SUX...Maternity leave for...
  12. Chrissie

    Divorce & Coparenting & the new wife...

    Well if truly she is interfering, then its wrong ( as we really dont know). My husband prefers for me to do all the talking, he REALLY does hate his x and isn't much of a talker, accept with me, LOL..and refuses to communicate with her unless absoloutley necessary, (like they are in the hospital...
  13. Chrissie

    Please Help!!...

    aw, hes just little, doesn't know how to express his emotions. I would snatch him up if I saw him getting upset, bring him to the table and ask him to color me a picture of his feelings...then talk to him about it. If he hits Put him in a time out wherever you have it, a minute per year of his...
  14. Chrissie

    Advice needed...

    Yeah hes just being a normal teenager, hes doing what every other (95%) of teens in america are doing LOL! My husband and I have already decided the same about our kids cars, if our kids want them they have to earn them and pay for them (we have 4, 3 are tweens now, we kinda don't have a choice...
  15. Chrissie

    Stepmother and Twitter...

    i wouldn't go for the accounts, as, many kids have them the TOS is to protect the company, thats why they aren't taking you seriously, unless you BRING the lawyer. Suggestion....print screen and SAVE what she is saying and doing to the kids online. She is leaving it out there for the plucking...