Recent content by Elizabeth

  1. E


    I am sorry, but the only solution I can offer, which does work magically, but you may not want to do, is, bring your baby to your bed and sleep under the same blanket. Make sure to follow safety rules, not soft pillows, no space between mattress and frame, no way to fall etc. (check on line.)...
  2. E


    I too refuse to use timeout or any method that controls the child. I found that trying to stop the child from behaving a certain way is the wrong goal. It is like putting tape on a leaking faucet or breaking the red light that says that your car is low on oil. It is best to stop the cause of...
  3. E

    Gettinjg dressed...May have handled this wrong....

    But the child is right. Would you get ready to go where you don't want to go for the sake of another? Day after day? As a child? Against your own will? Be interrupted from doing what you really love to do? I do my best to understand why my child is right, before scolding him and making him feel...
  4. E

    At what age is santa not real?...

    Life is just as fun with honesty. You can pretend anything you want and have fun with it, or have fun celebrating the longest day of the year which is real with as much flair and joy. There is no right and wrong. Do what you like and give your children your joy. No need to feel that it is "too...
  5. E

    when you feel like breaking down......

    I must be really weird. I don't feel the need to go away to be by myself. In fact, that is stressful for me. Anyway I would never leave my toddler to cry. That's no break for me - it is a heart break. I would be more stressed out away, specially if my child is crying. What I need is to be with...
  6. E

    At what age is santa not real?...

    I never lie to my kids.
  7. E

    How to deal with toddlers when unreasonable...

    We rush to judge the child as "unreasonable," but for a three year old he is not unreasonable and there is nothing I see that he needs to learn. This happened to me more than once and I see myself as the one needing to learn. I need to learn that for a young child these details are extremely...
  8. E

    Parents of two or more...

    I think you are doing great. And, jealousy is unavoidable eventually. We can't prevent everything and we can help them cope. I just recommended this book I love, in the other thread, but I will mention it again, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves. It has a great section on jealousy...
  9. E

    odd behavior...

    No, not corrected, but understood. Please read the book, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves. All of it, but specially the part about power games children play and how to help them feel powerful safely. She does that BECAUSE you keep stopping her. Instead, try to understand her. Read that...
  10. E

    newborn conjunctivitis...

    Put breast milk in his eyes. My son had that at a year old. I did the breast milk drop and it was like magic.
  11. E

    7 month old with sore throat from SCREAMING!...

    OMG don't leave her to cry. Put her in a snugly on your body and take her with you. She feels terror when away from your body. Babies have no way of knowing you will ever be back. It is total fear of death. They need to be in body contact ALL THE TIME. They they are content and easy. And, they...
  12. E

    "Crying it out" method causes brain damage!...

    Yulia, come to the Authentic Parent Community forum. You will find all the agreement there for your ideas. I am with you. A baby who is left to cry is traumatized and it does cause damage. It is not caused brain damage of the kind one can detect the next day. But distress reduces intelligence...
  13. E

    That really chaps my a**!...

    I don't give decongesting pills or any pills. They only give a temporary relief and actually make the cold last longer. Colds go away on their won with sun, orange juice, chicken soup and love. And, without any sweets. Also, colds are avoidable by not eating sweets when around others who are...
  14. E

    Calling all stay at home moms!...

    I don't know about doing it "right" and getting out. I stay at home with my three children and enjoy it much more if we don't get out and don't have any pressure to be any specific place. I don't play with them all the time. I do clean and cook. They don't expect me to play all the time and so...
  15. E

    Help! Am I doing this wrong...

    I like what Evilbrent says and the links, specially Aldort's article. Read also other Aldort articles on her site, and her book. The idea I get again and again is that children don't learn from what you say to them, but from the way you treat them. It sounds to me also like...