Recent content by kristakmj

  1. K

    Why do men disvalue stay at home mothers?...

    um so because we have "help" means what? we are still WORKING , we still do not get a true vacation from our everyday normal crazy lives, no my hubby and I know it takes both of us to make this family and house run to its best , neither of us take the other for granted and he WILL help when hes...
  2. K

    Why do men disvalue stay at home mothers?...

    oh yah sorry for the double post but just so everyone knows i truly ENJOY being able to spend time with my kids , when i say a "break " i dont mean a week long journey across country i mean how about being able to take a 10 minute shower ? or going to the bathroom BY MYSELF . when families...
  3. K

    Why do men disvalue stay at home mothers?...

    every job i have ever had , and hubby will say the same ( hes a welder now but built houses for 12 years prior to welding ) was easier then being a stay at home parent, there are plenty of days i wish i had a job to get a break from home. i love my kids which is why hubby and I decided this is...
  4. K

    Why do men disvalue stay at home mothers?...

    i have worked outside of the home , have been a single mom and now am a SAHM . hubby no lopnger think my job being at home is easier then his , he would not trade places with me if we could . there is nothing easy about being a SAHM . to the guy who said its easier because we dont work 12...
  5. K

    Question about dogs....

    oh yah i forgot about the condtioner i got for mine its called oxy medicated with oatmeal in it and it cost like 8 bucks for a big bottle first time i used it i noticed a huge difference and they dont smell anymore either . the salmon oil was alot more pricey then the furminator , basically...
  6. K

    Losing your Virginity...

    i lost mine way to early and it totally sucked lol i do plan to be honest with my kids IF they should ask and when i think they are old enough to understand what i am telling them however i will spare them the details lol i am hoping by being honest they will see more of HOW i made...
  7. K

    Question about dogs....

    maybe its dry skin? is it flaky like? have you tried an egg or fish oil? you can either get human fish oil supplment pills , salmon has good oils in it . i didnt like having to figure out how much to give my dogs , the 2 are pups and had real dry skin i got this stuff at the pet store call...
  8. K

    Required nap?...

    my son is 4 and doesnt nap anymore , my kids get up at 6 am no matter what time they go to bed so they go to bed at 7 and watch TV for an hour then to sleep
  9. K

    Since when is having low income an excuse for education or courtesy?...

    yes i do find it insulting we dont know what these peoples money situation is , like i said some have this job as a second income . so if they make 30 grand at thier first job and another 15 grand here are they considered low income still? some of the replies sounded insulting to me . we cant...
  10. K

    Any workaholics here?...

    hubby was working crazy hours and then lost his job just be careful what you wish for you just might get it. the kids would make comments to him and it made him feel bad i would give him chit about not seeing him etc , well i see him now he lost that job and found another one working 40 hrs and...
  11. K

    Since when is having low income an excuse for education or courtesy?...

    wow to some of the replies .. the way things are today people with college degrees cant find a job , when you have a family you take what you can get even if that means having 3 minimum wage jobs . to make such a blanket statement to say people who work at wal mart are low income is a little...
  12. K

    Rash on child (6 yrs old)...

    my daughter had that not to long after being sick and it was part of a virus that couldnt be treated with meds , i dont remeber the name though sorry . it took 3 weeks to go away
  13. K

    "Just lay off him, will ya?" VENTING...

    my husband came from a blended family and his step mom was horrible abusive to him and his dad never stood up for him for fear of rocking the boat, he has let the past go , but it was with alot of help from me . he had major issues with women since his BIO mom left when he was 3 and his step...
  14. K

    What to do??...

    my son is very emotional , my daughter is a drama queen , my youngest is so stubborn its unreal. what we as parents i think need to find is what works with EACH child . if hes not eating it means no snacks nothing but water for the rest of the night or until the next meal PERIOD . give him a...
  15. K


    i think some times it better to let them see the true consequences of their behaviors and while maybe not all the way with the file a police report i def would have taken her down to the cop shop and let them explain exactly what can happen if there is a next time. i also say she should go clean...