Recent content by malbiar

  1. M

    Should I?...

    There isn't anything behind this besides the fact that we had already agreed that my stepson wouldn't fight if he couldn't take a hit. He couldn't take a hit and he still put him in the ring. That calls for an apology for going against our agreement, which a day later I received. :)
  2. M

    Should I?...

    Exactly the problem! And why I'm so upset. We agreed 8 years ago that I'd be a parent and have been then all of a sudden he wants to shut me out on a major decision like that...where my stepson could get hurt...after we had already come to an agreement? The nerve to put him out there like that...
  3. M

    Should I?...

    About 5 years ago when my stepdaughter ran away he said he would listen to my opinions going forward. He listened to me when I said I didn't want my stepson in the ring but didn't make a difference. What's the point of me even defending my stepkids if he's still gonna do what he wants? We both...
  4. M

    Should I?...

    We've been doing that and thought we were doing good til he decided to ignore my motherly wishes.
  5. M

    Should I?...

    I'm so mad right now I'm not even sure what I would say. I'm so not the I told you so person and he never throws stuff in my face either.
  6. M

    Should I?...

    Yeah me too! Men are good at avoiding things for as long as they can, especially if they're in trouble! And us women can't do that for too long without mouthin' off!! LOL!! I'm also tired of drama right now to be arguing with him so not sure what I'm going to do. On top of all this he lied to me...
  7. M

    Should I?...

    Do you think I'm wrong for not talking to him until I get one?
  8. M

    Should I?...

    So my stepson (14) is a boxer. He wasn't feeling well and I told hubby I didn't want him in the ring feeling like that. Made him anyway, son lost and was really upset. Apologized to stepson but not me. Am I nobody? Told stepson when they rode back home that he also has o deal with me saying I...