Recent content by malevolent

  1. M

    Breastmilk vs Formula?...

    As for circumcision, I don't think it should be done. I've heard the argument that it actually prevents STDs but when I asked for them to extrapolate on that and explain how, they didn't really have anything to say. I see nothing other than religiosity in circumcision. I was circumcised at birth...
  2. M

    Breastmilk vs Formula?...

    They realize that people will find the facts elsewhere, and if they find out that they've been mislead by a company, they'll avoid them.
  3. M

    Breastmilk vs Formula?...

    I'm going to argue that breastmilk is healthier than formula. We didn't survive millions of years of evolution on formula you know! Breast Milk is more nutritious. Breast milk contains hormones from the mother that are required for a child's proper growth. These vital hormones are absent in...
  4. M

    Gender Differences...

    No, they should be treated equally. There are no differences in men and women on a bell curve
  5. M

    A parent's dilemma...

    you should bring your kids
  6. M

    meals and food choices...

    It's very important that children eat healthy and do not eat addictive food (like fast food)
  7. M

    Continuation of "how do you explain gay?"...

    I think it's important to explain to your kids that homosexuality is not a choice, and that people do not choose who they are attracted to. They are people just like everyone else and they deserve equal respect. I think this will help people to be less homophobic and more accepting.
  8. M

    Is "under God" in the American Pledge of Allegiance appropriate?...

    It is inappropriate, because not everyone in this country is "under god" and so it does not represent the entire population, right? On the other hand, it doesn't hurt anything and I don't really care if people say it.