Recent content by robin480az

  1. R

    PLs Help!my 4 yr old wont leave the house,wants to stay home,never go anywhere...

    as i look back,it was 2 days after xmas,we went to a few stores,they were packed with ppl,and i remember saying to him..stay close to me,there is too many ppl and i dont want you to get i may have cause this,not knowing.....thanks for all the reply..i was reading a lot last night and i...
  2. R

    My 13 year old daughter still wets the bed....

    at age 11 my daughter did too..we found out she had a thyroid problem
  3. R

    I wish I could get through to her......

    i feel kids are starting school far too early..we put high expectations on these small kids,we forget they were just toddlers a short time ago..give her time she will be fine
  4. R

    Harmless fun or exploitation?...

    i have 4 girls ages 23,21,19,17 and a 4 yr old son..i hate the show,,they make small girls look 21,fake teeth,sexy outfits,,its sick..there is NOTHING sexy about a child,the moms give them red bulls and pixie sticks to wake them up to preform ect..hate it
  5. R

    PLs Help!my 4 yr old wont leave the house,wants to stay home,never go anywhere...

    my 4 yr old son always loved going shopping,parks,places,ect..past month,,he wont leave the house,when we try to get him in the car,,he cries,,hyperventilates,the whole 9 yards,,so we give in,and he stays me,my husband and him,,cant all go places at of us always has to stay...
  6. R


    i wouldnt change the name
  7. R

    Should I "lock" her in?...

    i wouldnt lock her in..but try a gate,or something else..its very dangerous for her to roam free at night..good luck
  8. R

    advice needed to handle a spoiled and attention seeker baby...

    try and ignore the negitive,,and focus on the postive..its normal terrible 2's..been there done
  9. R

    kids say the darnedest things...

    my 4 yr old..does..too..he started saying..thats a good
  10. R

    Separation anxiety?...

    i have 5 kids,they all did that at that age..normal