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  1. BlueBerry

    Hello Everyone :)...

    Thank you Alastair:), Me and my children all of us love Strawberry Shortcake :D. My eldest will be 8 years next month, 2nd son is 5 years old and youngest son is 3 years old:). BTW, sometime I feel the same way:D. Hello Antoinette, I enjoyed reading your posts :). I already liked this...
  2. BlueBerry

    pictures for fun...

    Thanks for sharing pics of your kids:).
  3. BlueBerry

    Please allow myself to introduce...myself?...

    Welcome Justine:), I am also a new member of this wonderful forum. I am sure we will learn many new things from our fellow parents and how to manage time and offer complete love and care to our young ones. Welcome aboard, looking forward to read lots of posts by you:D.
  4. BlueBerry

    Body Odor...

    I think it depend on person to person. You can generalize everyone:). For some it make happen very early, few will use deodorants at 12 years. I think I started using it a young age, though I don't have a strong BO:D. I like people who use deodorants. People who don't use it usually use it...
  5. BlueBerry

    3 y/o hitting the baby...

    I am glad things are getting better for you Grace:). I hope in coming days you get to spend more time with older daughter and love her. She is expressing her anger to baby sister as according to her she is the reason for your divorce with her father. She will learn it with time, but you will...
  6. BlueBerry

    Sunscreen time.......

    I use a mild baby sunscreen lotion for my children. Previously I used to get a famous children brand but it failed to offer quality and their skin seemed rather tanned. I switched the lotion and now my children's skin seems fresh and gentle:).
  7. BlueBerry

    I'm the worst father in the world...

    Well, I agree with everyone that you are NOT a bad father:). You realized that you need some help for anger and stress management. I think mothers have more patience and tolerance than fathers:D. It's just my opinion as my husband also get angry if my kids do something. You should definitely...
  8. BlueBerry

    Tim and I...

    I agree with everyone that you should go with that guy. I know it's really hard being a single mom of two little kids. You are always ready to do anything for them. Taking sometime off for yourself will not hurt anyone:). You are just going with someone, and it may turn out to be a good...
  9. BlueBerry

    1 month to go...

    <r>I remember when I became pregnant with my first baby, it was an easy pregnancy. No morning sickness or any such complications. I was very excited and wanted all the best for my child:). <br/> <br/> I wanted everything to be just perfect. I was quite energetic though I got a...
  10. BlueBerry

    Easy, kid friendly recepies...

    My eldest son gave me a tough time while eating:(. I used to cook different meals for him, add vegetables, added fruits and meat but he never liked anything:(. Fortunately he liked baby cooked meals that were available in market and I thank god that he ate something :D. Now he is almost 8 and...
  11. BlueBerry

    Hello Everyone :)...

    Thank You Kim, yeah I agree it's really a wonderful forum to share our thoughts, views and experiences with other parents:).
  12. BlueBerry

    day care...

    <r>I never tried those day care centers:D. But I never felt a need to go to a centre as I work online from my home and mostly can look after my kids, my home and my work all at the same time. I am a mother of three children. It was bit difficult in the beginning with my eldest son. As he...
  13. BlueBerry

    Hello Everyone :)...

    Hello everyone, I was searching for a good parenting forum and came across this wonderful forum:). I am mother of three young children, they keep my on my toes:D. I am literally always running behind them. All this fatigue often makes me tired but have to be very careful as they don't swallow...