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    Is my daycare too tough?...

    I felt so angry and frustrated today. I went to fetch my daughter from daycare as I unfortunately have to work and the teacher said that it was evaluation and she would like to speak to me about Ella. I thought that she was going to talk about interaction with the other children as I know that...
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    Gay parents...

    There is so much love in the world and so much abuse and Jordy if you can save two little girls from abuse with your love then no one can ever tell you that you are not allowed to because you don't fit into the perfect family model. Most children need both sides the genders ie the softness and...
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    How do I help someone like this?...

    Sheesh! What a terrible situation. I think that the only advice you can give her is to tell her that soon she will be her own person and that she will be a good one at that. Build her self esteem and just let her know that she will only need to be living like this for a small period of her...
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    12 year old... hygiene......

    I also think that it is a phase and that you should just bite the bullet and tell her to shower/brush etc. Sooner or later she will become concious about her body and naturally try to make herself more approachable. It would probably help you to understand better if you do sit her down in a...
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    Aimee conflict...

    I feel sorry for her that her mom is not there to help her through a very traumatic experience. She clearly needs a bit of stability but the fact is that if she was almost a mom herself and she has to realise that the world is tough and that she has to face the music. You are her dad and you...
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    New to this cyberstuff...

    Hi its nice to see dads joining forums to seek advice. It is good to see you have an active interest in your childrens lives.
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    About to give up on step son...

    It seems like you guys could learn a lot from each other by respecting each others backgrounds and needs. Allowing him to do things that your own children are not allowed is not a very good start to making the whole family gel either. It is your house and your rules and you obviously put the...
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    Pregnant and frustrated....

    My best friend is in almost the same situation as you are unmarried a waitress and pregnant. She also thought that the father of her child would be supportive and within her being 3 months pregnant he found himself a new lady and refused to help. Her friends stood by her and she went through a...
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    My father is pissed off at me...

    I think when children grow up and have their own lives then things become very tricky and it is difficult to understand that we are not the center of their existance anymore even though they love us and would hate to make us sad. Its difficult to juggle everything and keep everyone happy!
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    who are you favourite comedians?...

    I like the british comedians because you have to think a bit and those jokes usually stick a bit more, they do tend to be a bit below the belt tho! Jeff Dunham is very funny he should come to africa for some new characters he would have a field day!
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    opps .. we did it again...

    If your body wasn't ready then you wouldn't have fallen pregnant again. Although it is good to give your uterus a chance to recover to normal function. You will be fine. It might just be a little trying having both your little ones teething at once. Congrats!
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    I wanna rock!...

    I remember only listening to my dad's led zep, uriah heep and deep purple so my first music was also only metal although guns and roses and metallica are now classified as rythmic rock, can you believe it?
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    Aggression In Sports...

    We play rugby and I have stated that my boys (if I have any) will never play because children especially in the adolescent phase often use sport to vent their agression and the polite children often pay the price. I think as long as your boy knows to play the ball and not the opponent then he...
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    If you sign your kids up for Tae Kwon Do......

    I am glad to hear what you guys say because I want my little one to start jujitsu as soon as she can to be able to understand what her body can do but maybe I shouldnt let her start at 5 but later. Have to remember how enthusiastic they get!
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    My father is pissed off at me...

    Ah he probably just feels like no one loves him and would probably understand if it were any other day. All you need to do is just go there and wish him a normal day (every day is fathers day as any mom knows) and tell him that he special and he will forgive you instantly! In his heart he knows...
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    have you become the atypical parent type or have you retained your coolness?...

    Ha ha!I think I am still cool but when I see the kids in the mall dressed in 80 fashion I probably say exactly what my parents said when I thought my bell bottoms were the 'in' thing. Guess we all end up uncool when we become parents! I would never let my daughter listen to Justin Beiber...thats...
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    Man Shoots Family In California...

    How unhappy and sad must he have been to destroy other lives just like that? His life is over and the little 6 year old's has just begun it is just not right. Unfortunately we also see these cirmes in our country and it breaks your heart!
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    Hi my name is Lize, I am from South Afirca and I am the proud mother of a 15month old lady! Looking forward to some good chats and advice!
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    I am an animal nutritionist and zoologist but like helping humans more so am a recruitment agent. Luckily the animal science comes in really handy raising children!
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    DMB Here I Come!...

    They are fantastic live! Enjoy!