Search results

  1. M

    8 year old's attitude...

    I'm here about my eldest, who's 8, 9 next month. She's always been very stubborn and set in getting her own way, but recently... she's got a load of attitude! When we tell her to stop doing something because she has to eat/sleep/go somewhere, she'll ask to finish what she's doing. We give her 5...
  2. M

    Seven-year-old trying to skip school!!...

    This has been going on quite a while now, only recently it's seemed to get a lot worse... My eldest daughter is in Year Three at primary school. She seems to enjoy school and has a lot of friends even though she can be cheeky and mess around sometimes. But I have noticed a lot of the times she...
  3. M

    Pocket Money/Allowance?...

    I'm thinking of giving my girls pocket money. At the minute they don't get any, but they have a limit on what they can spend on magazines/sweets/toys each week. But they just think that if they want something, mommy will buy it. They don't understand that things cost money. They expect...
  4. M

    3-year-old baby!...

    My daughter, Patty (who will be four in April and will be starting school in September) acts like a baby! She doesn't talk properly, just baby-talk; she only eats baby food; only drinks from a sippy cup or bottle; breastfeeds; wears nappies; sleeps in a cot; is constantly sucking dummies...
  5. M

    New single mum...

    Hi, I am a mum of four girls- aged 7yrs, 5yrs, 3yrs and 8mnths. My partner had a job offer in America for six months, and we both agreed to give eachother some space. I am hoping we won't have to have a divorce- I still love him and think that we could get back together- if the girls' behaviour...