Search results

  1. S

    Dealing With Your Child's Emotions...

    Looking for responses to Gottman's advice in (removed) on Raising Emotionally Healthy Children. Also, how do other people deal with a child when S/he gets upset, sad, frustrated ect.
  2. S

    Babysitter resources...

    Also, if you know a sitter and her family, do you pay more or less than if you do not know them?
  3. S

    Babysitter resources...

    How many babysitters do you line up...for backup purposes
  4. S

    Children's songs...

    oh, and Barenaked Ladies have a good one as well. it is clean despite their name.
  5. S

    Children's songs...

    They Might Be Giants a have children's album that my wife and I enjoy along with our daughter
  6. S

    David Synowiec...

    Hello, my name is David and I am a new member of Parenting Forums! Looking foreword to gathering wisdom from people.