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  1. R

    Parental Controls for internet...

  2. R

    Parental Controls for internet...

    I want to make sure they don't blunder onto inappropriate content. We do have fairly frank conversations about sex and such things when they ask. They've stopped asking and think it's because they're satisfied with the answers. I guess my main concern is that they keep their healthy attitudes...
  3. R

    Parental Controls for internet...

    Yeah. That's an issue for me too. I don't want to spy on my children. But then, I watch over them when they are playing in the yard or the park. It's my job. If there's something inappropriate going on, I put a stop to it. If there's someone trying to lure my children into danger, I...
  4. R

    Parental Controls for internet...

    Hi There. I'm getting concerned about what content my children have access to on the internet. Obviously I can't control it all the time but I figure there must be something I can while they are home. I don't think they use the internet when they are with their friends anyway. Too busy causing...
  5. R

    The Battle Of Wills - A Battle For His Future...

    I'm commenting on the original post here. I can really see there is a lot of experience and authority behind what you are saying. My concern is it's rooted in an antagonistic, authoritative control based manipulation. Not saying that's the truth. That's just my concern. I can also see the...
  6. R

    Kids and delayed gratification...

    this is what works for me and my two. When they ask for something and I say no. They now no that will not change... unless they can come up with a convincing sales pitch for why they should have it. And convincing must include something in it for me. They present their arguments for, I present...
  7. R

    Most Important books you've read on child-rearing or Education?...

    The most important thing I ever did to become a better parent was the Landmark Forum. I finally understood the difference between what I believed was true based on the past, and what was actually going on. Then I could get out of the way and be with my children.
  8. R

    Kids swimming naked?...

    I remember as a kid being naked a lot. But I also remember being aware that it wasn't something for public consumption, so to speak. We had a boat and so would generally go nudie out on the ocean. I think I hit about 11 years old and got a bit self conscious. Stopped it for a while and then...