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  1. F

    Young Children...

    My kids (4 and 9) have learned to behave at the grocery store. Didn't always used to be the case. We've had some success emphasizing selflessness. Our kids were getting the impression that they were the center of our universe and everything revolved around them. Of course, we love them more...
  2. F

    Is "under God" in the American Pledge of Allegiance appropriate?...

    This question arises from the first amendment. I think the argument that suggests that guys like Jefferson were trying to avoid the madness that went on for centuries in Europe with the Roman Church and the Church of England is a pretty good argument. This is a Thomas Jefferson quote -...
  3. F

    Being Critical vs Critizing...

    This is interesting. I had the exact same situation arise with my son who was 8 at the time. He had played a piece for a talent show. There were a few mistakes made and there were some rhythm issues. I asked him how he thought it went. I kid you not he said the exact same thing - "pretty...
  4. F

    New to the forum...

    I've got a couple of kids the ages of 9 and 4. So far things have been remarkably smooth. My wife and I have been greatly blessed. They are not necessarily the smartest or the most athletic kids, but they really care about others, love life, and their family.