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  1. conschofield

    Helping a child pronounce correctly...

    Practice :) I am sure she'll get it soon enough. If you're worried about it I think you can call your local school district and get (free?) speech therapy.
  2. conschofield

    Teaching child to respect others...

    Yup and yup. I was teaching my kids to say please and thank you as soon as their first words came out of their little mouths. But, I am also Miss Manners. Nothing irritates me more than rude children, or adults for that matter; really, there is no reason for this.
  3. conschofield

    Frustrated Step Mom...

    I am not a step-parent and by no means want to detract from the challenges this post is acknowledging. But one of my three kids is very challenging to parent and these are absolutely God-given.
  4. conschofield

    Mental Health Needs...

    Love, security and acceptance should be at the heart of family life. Children need to know that your love does not depend on his or her accomplishments. Mistakes and/or defeats should be expected and accepted. Confidence grows in a home that is full of unconditional love and affection.
  5. conschofield

    Parenting lesson from Sheriff Taylor...

    What a lovely memory of one of my favorite shows and favorite people. Nice post thanks for sharing this.
  6. conschofield

    Your 'terrible' parenting moments...

    I probably have too many to count, but one that sticks out in my memory is when my DS was around 9 or 10 months old. I was holding him on my hip and misjudged the width of the door frame. SMACK! I went through the door but DS hit the wall. I don't think he even cried, but I felt BAD. Oh...
  7. conschofield

    Hi Everyone...

    Hi I'm constance... nice to be here.. excited to know more all of you.. :cute:[/SIZE]</SIZE>[/B][/FONT]