Search results

  1. E

    Best websites for kids...

    What do you feel are the best websites for kids? Do you agree with the list below?[/URL]
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    How much water?...

    Now they say that you should consume half your body weight in ounces. So if you weight 150 pounds then you need to drink 75 ounces of water. Others say drink when you are thirsty. I am not really sure, I guess that it just depends on who you ask.
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    Banning packed lunches -- seriously?...

    I never liked school lunches. If I had to eat them I would waste most of it. I think that this is ridiculous as well.
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    Some homework is ok because it teaches the child to be responsible. I don't agree with a child having hours of homework a night though, that just seems a bit too harsh I feel.
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    School uniforms: yay or nay?...

    I am all for them. This way it is so much easier on the parent. You do not have to worry about them being in style and it makes shopping for school clothes that much easier. I feel that there is not the competition with school uniforms.
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    Movies for kids...

    Ice Age, Ice Age 2, all three of the Toy Story Movies, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, and Cars are all favorites at this household.
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    He's here!...

    Awesome and wonderful news. Congrats to you and your family.
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    Children and Stress Management...

    I agree that children need to learn how to deal with stress. If they do not, then it will build up and soon they explode and just create a bigger mess.
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    Impact of Visual Media in Young Generation...

    I know that many of the teachers around here will use visual aids in helping the children learn. I do feel that this is rather important.
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    High school orientation...

    Great news for you and Lux. How is it going now?
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    How does exercise benefit children...

    Exercise is very important. I make sure that as a family we do something several times a week. We go to the indoor pool, go for walks, have relay races, play soccer, toss a football, anything to get us up and moving.
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    It's a.......

    Congrats to you! How exciting! Fun times ahead of you.
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    Is it normal to be this scared?...

    It is normal I think. I was so scared when we had our first child. But once you have the child in your arms, you know that you will be the best parent that you can be for them.
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    Having a baby boy next month!...

    It would be best to ask your doctor these questions. We could tell you what went down when we were expecting, but everyone is different.
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    How to protect children from internet threats...

    I would suggest always being there when your child using the internet. Only allow them to use it for so long a day and make it be known that if they are on a site you do not approve of, you will ground them from it.
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    Thanks so much IADad. Looking forward to it as well.
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    New YouTube Member...

    Hi. Great to meet you on here. I love your child's name...Malachi. I always thought that would be a nice name.
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    Welcome to the site. Do you know the sex of your upcoming baby?
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    Nice to meet you as well. I have two children as well. They are the best things that have happened to me.
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    Nice to meet you...

    Hello it is great to meet you. I too have two children, a son and a daughter. See you around.