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  1. G

    I need more potty training advice/support...

    Ok, so I've aggressively started potty training my 3-year old. He's been wearing his "big boy undies" all day. He's had 3 pee-pee accidents already. Each time, he tells me. This last time, he looked down at his pants and said "uh-oh" either right before it happened or right as it was...
  2. G


    So my 3-month old daughter has been so difficult the past few weeks. She's wants to be held constantly and when I put her down, she screams. She's been eating a lot lately too. At different times of the day she's so upset, she acts tired and hungry (she's chomps aggressively on her pacifer...
  3. G

    More potty training issues...

    I realize that this topic has been beat to death . . . . I just want to see if anyone else has dealt with my son's situation. Brayden will be 3 next month and from day 1 he's done everything early (walk, talk, even had all of his teeth before he was 1). He's so smart and nothing ever gets past...
  4. G

    Newborn sleep question...

    So, we just welcomed our 2nd child. Her name is Leighton Ever and she is wonderful. She sleeps 20 hours a day and when she is awake, she is such a joy. This is a total 180 from how our son was. He was difficult from day #1. Since she is so different it's almost like she's our first because...
  5. G


    So, I am being induced in about 16 days. I know there has already been some discussion on induction and was hoping to get some "real life experiences" from other women who have gone through the process. This is my 2nd pregnancy; however, it will be my first induction. I'm just curious about...
  6. G

    Going to the movies...

    Just wondering at what ages you starting taking your little ones to the movies. . . .
  7. G


    I realize my son is young and still learning to express himself; however, I've notice that he has a stutter. It can sometimes take him a minute to get 1 short sentence out. He'll trip over every other word. He'll repeat the same word over and over before moving onto the next one. At 2.5, he...
  8. G

    SO FUNNY! Caring for Newborn for Dummies...

    Caring For Newborn Babies For Dummies | David Wallace
  9. G

    Gummy Vitamins...

    So, I was wondering what everyone's opinion was on those gummy vitamins. My son (2.5 yrs) loves them (probably more than he should love a vitamin) which leads me to believe that they are just candy in disguise. Any thoughts? Does anyone else use these?
  10. G

    Potty Training...

    So, my son is now 2.5 years old and I would LOVE to begin to potty train. He's really smart and has always seemed to do everything "early," but I'm not quite sure he's ready. There have been times where he'll ask me to change his diaper, but more often, he'll sit in a soaked diaper without any...
  11. G

    Night Terrors...

    I have posted about my son's sleep problems before, but now I'm pretty sure it's due to night terrors. When he wakes up in the middle of the night he's not really awake. He still has his eyes closed and he cries uncontrollably. He also thrashes around. I have tried to console him, but it...
  12. G

    Help! Severely sleep deprived mom needs advice!...

    Oh boy, where do I begin?? I am at my wits end with my son's sleeping habits (or lack there of). He's 28 months old and very rarely sleeps through the night. I haven't gotten a solid 8 hours of sleep since early 2005. I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant and feeling the effects of not sleeping...