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    Moms Breastfeeding While Driving?!?!?!?!?...

    An Open Letter to Moms Who Breastfeed While Driving - Associated Content I hope CPS gets involved.
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    Since we're on the topic of gay marriage - what do you think of these lawsuits ?...

    What are your thoughts on these gay-related lawsuits........ eharmony: Sued for not helping match gay people. They had to pay $50,000 and start a new site called "Compatible Partners" for gays. Here's the link: Lawsuit forces eHarmony to match homosexual couples Photographer in NM: Sued for...
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    FUN ways to teach your kids the ABC's...

    Hi - Here are some helpful ideas on how to teach your child the letter's of the alphabet :) Just wanted to share --- 15 Fun Ways to Teach Your Child the Letters of the Alphabet 10 More Fun Ways to Teach the ABC's Have a grreat day :)
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    For those of you that are okay with polygamy being legal.......

    Hi - I'm the one that started the thread on "reading King & King and teaching kids its okay to be gay" in schools... It cracks me up because the thread immediately became about gay marriage, when I had asked about promoting homosexuality to kindergarteners, not gay marriage, oh well, also...
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    Teachers reading "King and King" etc in school and teaching its okay to be gay?...

    How do you feeling on this? Here are some links: Protect Marriage - Yes on 8 » Video (Make sure to watch it all) Prop8 How same-sex "marriage" affects Massachusetts Also there's a curriculum called "welcoming schools" that they teach in some schools. Google it for more. It talks about it...
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    NEW YEAR'S Resolutions for my BABY!...

    I got bored so I wrote this: New Year's Resolutions for my Baby! What do ya think? Do you have any for yours?
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    What are some of your Christmas or Holiday Traditions?...

    I thought it'd be fun to share!!!!!!!! What are someo of yours? Here are mine, I wrote it in an article: <URL url=""> <SIZE size="175">Fantastic Christmas Traditions for Families</SIZE>
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    Time Lapse Pregnancy Videos - FUN to watch!!!!!!...

    If you're really bored, here's some time lapse pregnancy videos to watch: <URL url=";cat=52#comments"> Time Lapse Pregnancy Video Article Have a great day!
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    FUN Things for Tots - Edible Playdough Recipes, Scratch 'n Sniff Paint, FUN IDEAS :)...

    Hi everyone! If you're bored and searching for ways to entertain your kiddo, here are some articles with lots of ideas: Creative Ways to Amuse Your Toddler (I love the scratch 'n sniff paint recipe, also check out the edible playdough recipes such as frosting, peanut butter, etc.) Twenty...