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  1. L

    My 14 year old HATES school, and almost refusing to go...

    What's wrong with formal stuff? If he wants to join a soccer team, then that's okay.
  2. L

    What can be done about sexual harassment among students?...

    If the teacher isn't dealing with this, then go straight to the principal or vice-principal. Schools want no part of legal suits regarding sexual harassment so usually address this issues quickly.
  3. L

    My 14 year old HATES school, and almost refusing to go...

    You have to get him involved in something outside of school. Make it mandatory. There has to be something he would like to do. Could be a course on photography, sports, volunteering at an animal shelter or seniors home. This is just a start when trying to gets kids to find themselves. 14...
  4. L

    Would you spank a 15 year old?...

    No. Spanking at any age is a sign of parents losing control. The best way to handle discipline with teenagers is to use leverage. There has to be something you can take away, usually a phone, for a period of time as punishment. I have a free 3-Step Parenting Plan on my website which will...
  5. L

    Advice needed: 6yo step daughter...

    I'm a parenting coach and have a different spin on this. Some of my clients are in nasty custody battles so I've heard a lot of negative stuff. But when the other parent is letting the child down I tell my client to go along with it, that is, join the child in being disappointed and hurt...