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  1. Netmum

    How I Lost 9 Dress Sizes In 3 Months / Using The KETO MEALPLAN

    How I Lost 9 Dress Sizes In 3 Months / Best Weight Loss Tips Weight loss is not easy – this statement will probably resonate to a lot of people who have been struggling for years to shed a few pounds or a good chunk of weight. Not only that, but once you have lost the weight, how do you plan to...
  2. Netmum

    Mother of Two, Sick of Looking Old & Fat; Loses 160 Pounds and MORE!

    LIVEJOURNAL Whenever I hear people talking about their New Year’s resolution to lose weight or how they are going on this diet or that diet so they can look better in a bikini, I never know whether I should tell them that I’ve lost tons of weight using (mostly) the Atkins 40 diet and...
  3. Netmum

    3 Tips to Teach Your child How to Read

    yea that's the best for all parents... I'm glad you found this content......feel free to share this post with me
  4. Netmum

    3 Tips to Teach Your child How to Read

    By: ChildrenLearningReading Learning to read at a young age is important for the development of the child. It helps them develop a better understand of their surroundings, allows them to gather information from printed materials, and provides them with a wonderful source of entertainment when...
  5. Netmum

    3 Tips to Teach Your child How to Read

    By: ChildrenLearningReading Learning to read at a young age is important for the development of the child. It helps them develop a better understand of their surroundings, allows them to gather information from printed materials, and provides them with a wonderful source of entertainment when...
  6. Netmum

    Hello I'm new here

    It's nice to meet you all, I'm happy to be here