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  1. C

    Teens Charged With Cell Porn...

    Cell phones come in handy for kids. I would never get one for my elementary school children because it is just not needed. However, when my daughter went to middle school she got one and it was great on those days that she needed to stay late or practice was canceled, etc. After that whole...
  2. C

    MySpace and Teens...

    My daughter (14) does not have a MySpace account, but does have a facebook. I helped her sign up and so I know her account and password and she even tells me to check out what a friend has posted on her account every once in a while. Letting your child sign up before the age that it states in...
  3. C

    My first is off to kindergarden soon!...

    My last just started kindergarten! I have a daughter in high school and a 4th grader too. I think the last one was harder to let go than my first. I don't have my little buddy to keep my company anymore :(
  4. C

    Useful sites to help your kids with homework...

    It is a good thing that you don't have to resort to outside help for your children. However, most parents do need a little review now and then. Independent children can still use the computer for research and help if they get stuck. I would rather have them have help on the internet if they...
  5. C

    How to avoid your child to be a TV addict...

    There are actually devices that you can attach to your tv to restrict time usage. We have one for the video games. They can earn time for their card and when the time is up, the tv turns off.