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  1. S

    Eating the same thing always, diets...

    My 4.5 yr old son always is begging for the same thing. Cereal. He seems fixated on grains, cereals, breads, muffins, pasta (mac & cheese, spaghetti), etc. He wants cereal (with milk) for breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinner, every day, and it drives me insane. The breakfast part is not so...
  2. S

    HOW to get off the pacifier - seen enough when opinions...

    Having researched this for quite a while on the web, I have found countless articles, webpages, PDFs, etc, on middle road, cautionary theories about the pros and cons of the pacifier. How some children need them until this age, some until that age. Some reasons why they need them. The potential...
  3. S

    When to end pacifier use?...

    Our son is 3.5 yrs old. He still depends on his pacifier to mellow out and go to sleep. We have been able to contain its use to the bed/bedroom, during nap/bedtime. I think it is ridiculous at 3.5 to still be using a pacifier. We are divorced and he lives with her so I am not there much, but we...
  4. S

    When to end the pacifier...

    Hi, I am actually divorced, my ex and I "share" parenting over a very long distance, although it's mostly her. We are in fundamental disagreement, always have been, about how and when to ween our boy off the pacifier. He is 2yrs, 9 months. The habit is that he relies on the pacifier during...