12 year old with Friend of Dad?...



My 12 year old daughter has grown up pretty much without her father. It wasnt until about 4 years ago that he started having 1 yearly visit with her. First it was a few days and then a week, this year we decided to do a whole month because he has a tendency to make it a party week for her. Maybe she can see what REAL life is like with her dad. Only I think it backfired on me a little because he treats her like she is grown and that they are friends. He lets her stay up as late as she wants, wake up when she wants, and he tells her EVERYTHING. Yesterday she called me upset because her dad and his mother got into an argument about spending time with her and her step sister. His mother got mad and told them not to come. So her dad promptly told her about the whole conversation and then some. She was devestated but didnt want her dad to know that she was hurt so she called me to talk about it. Is it just me, but at 12 shouldnt he have not told her all of this information?


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
I think he's trying to hard to be the cool dad. I'm not sure what you can do about it though unless you two have a relationship were you could actually talk about it and let him know she was hurt and it may have been too much for a 12 yr old to handle


Unfortunatley we dont have a great relationship. We ended on bad terms and he just disappeared and left me alone with my daughter. I have forgiven him and moved on, but I truly keep my distance and only speak to him when in regards to his daughter. My fear is that talking to him would trigger his wife to think that I am telling them what to do and cause even more issues. I fear there is nothing I can do except comfort her...


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Sadly there isn't much you can do except be there for her, and comfort her when needed. There will come a day when she will see exactly what role her dad played in her life. I know I did, I love him but he was never really a dad to me.