1st Birthday party......


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
Our son turned one year old over the weekend and we took him to his Grandparent's house to have his birthday party. Just thought I'd share the some pics.

This is our cake that the adults got to eat. To this day I still like to lick the little toys and candles that get pulled out of the top of the cake and have the frosting on them.

This cake was for him to do whatever he wanted with.

In his special birthday crown... didn't fit too well as his head is large and he doesn't like anything on his head.

Finally got the glasses on him temporarily long enough for a photo lol. Those didn't stay on either.

His birthday shirt.

Sitting in his high chair all decorated.

His first experience with cake!

He was looking at me in this picture going... "Dad, seriously? What did you give me here, this isn't bananas" (Bananas is his favorite food)

The destruction.

Even the sippy cup wasn't safe.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
That is so cute!!!! What a big handsome man!!! I'll be doing all of this in about a month myself hahaha. Boy the time just flies so fast, doesn't it?


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
It does indeed go extremely fast. Though admittedly it seems slow when you're going through tough times (crying at night, fussy/teething during the day and random acts of defiance). All in all though, things have gone pretty well.

He's walking very well on his own now. He started attempting to, and taking one/two steps at 11 months and 6 days old. He's now walking more than crawling, and starting to learn he can get a good trot/head of steam going and really run.

He talks alot of baby talk but rarely says much directly in relation to what he wants or what he see's. He will occasionally say something like "Momma" as he's walking towards her. The most he's done for saying daddy happened on his birthday and he saw/heard me leave the room and close the door and DW said it sounded like he said "Dadiya".. sort of sounded like Russian lol.

How are the developments progressing for you Xero?


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Awwww what a big boy!!! It all happens so fast. You know, it sometimes seemed very slow getting through the first year with my oldest, but this time around it has been lightning fast and I feel so cheated, like I didn't get long enough, like he grew up so fast I barely got to have a baby around haha. I have a little bit of anxiety over it I guess. :p

Oh my youngest has always been so ambitious, done things faster than my oldest did as a baby from what I can remember (thus adding to my anxiety of course!!! lol). He rolled early, sat unassisted at 5 months, crawled on hands and knees at 6 months, stood at 7 months, took his first steps at 9 months, and since 10 months has been going back and forth between walking and crawling on and off throughout the day. He walks majority of the time now, but crawls if he's in a hurry haha. He says mama and dada and occasionally will point and say "go!". He's such a ham. He has such a funny personality. We are always laughing at him. And he is such a calm, mellow, happy baby. Rarely cries without reason, is friendly and welcoming to almost anybody, good in the car, falls asleep in minutes every nap/night while nursing, and even seems to recognize the word "no" to some extent.

If only he would sleep through the night! lol He still wakes up 2-3 times at night to nurse and every now and again I can't get him back to sleep without watching a half hour or so of TV. I can get pretty tired sometimes because of that little booger. And teething! Oh yes, gotta love teething. He has five teeth and one that is so close to cutting it should be in any day now. Sometimes he will get cranky and chew his fingers and stuff thanks to that, and of course he will wake more often and whatnot. I also wish he would consider drinking out of a bottle or sippy cup once in a while, but so far he hates them lol. And of course he is the master of getting into things he shouldn't, and eating tiny little things off the floor that I missed with the broom or vacuum. Little stinker lol.
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Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
Such a strange tradition to get them smearing cake all over on the first birthday. Just so we can yell at them for the rest of their lives to quit making a mess.

Fine lookin little fella. He doesn't appear to be overly impressed with the festivities. Lets face it. Its just not the same when they <U>Want</U> you to make the mess.

How did he do with the gift unwrapping?

And how did you do with the gift unpacking?

Happy B day Ian


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
Yeah, he wasn't terribly impressed with the cake or much else, as he fought a nap in this morning, and this was around 2 in the afternoon.

When we put the cake down in front of him, he looked at it and paused.. then looked at me as if saying "Is this okay for me to touch?"...I put my finger in it and he started doing it then. It's totally different if you're giving them the okay to go crazy with stuff. It's not nearly as fun for them if they know they aren't doing something they aren't supposed to.

He loved the gift unwrapping, it was his favorite part. He did pretty well unwrapping, until he tore a piece off that he could play with, and then he just sat and crumpled/tore/ripped the paper over and over, until we reminded him there was more paper. He eventually noticed the toys under the paper and then played with them a bit.

I unwrapped/un-boxed his toys, which had a million ties/wraps/secured straps on it. That part turned out to be easy compared with putting his new walking/riding toy together. This is a picture of it.

Here are some of the other toys he got.



PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Hey, thanks for the ideas!! lol We already got him a few things (an activity table, a musical/noisy lawn mower thing, and a little tikes drum) but I am lost on what else to get him. I was thinking about a climber for the back yard. Both my boys would play with that. :)

That's funny about the cake, I wonder what my youngest will do with his. My oldest wouldn't touch it, when we put him in front of it he just held his hands away from it and stared it down. Finally I grabbed his hand and stuck it in the cake for him and he took it from there haha.
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Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
Incogneato said:
I unwrapped/un-boxed his toys, which had a million ties/wraps/secured straps on it. That part turned out to be easy compared with putting his new walking/riding toy together.
I dont understand the need to tie each limb or wheel when the body of the toy is strapped in and is in shrink warped. I think it would be eiser to steal the Hope Diamond, than get one of these toys out of a box in a store.

I put a big wheel together for Cole and snapped the wheels into the pressure fitting backwards. The mag wheel stickers faces the seat.


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
Yeah I don't understand it either, but I'll say this, some of that material is near impossible to break/cut through even with tools.. they need to build tornado proof houses out of that stuff