Adult Stepdaughter bitter relationship...


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2017
I sure could use some help here, I was married for 13 years and had a step daughter who is now 22 years old. She calls me mom and always has - as her bio mom has been non-existent. She has been the troubled child, lied, cheated, stole, the difficult one growing up.
Her dad and I divorced 7 years ago and life has moved on and she is now 22 and our relationship is strained. She ruined Easter as she started drama and caused a heck of a scene, we really haven't spoke yet as she denies everything she did and refuses to be accountable. (this is the umpteenth time shes done this)
I truly just want to move on with my life and drop ties with her, My life is peaceful now and my focus is my biological kids. My only issue is she has a daughter who is 2. I have been grandma since she has been born....but its been sporadic due to the strain between my SD and I.
My SD uses me as a babysitter and our conversations tend to be surrounded by her drama in her life....IM TIRED!! Chaos is normal for her and that is a life I dont surround myself with.
Do I cut ties and let this grandaughter of mine go? To be a part of her life, means I have to have my SD in the picture, I truly refuse to that . Im so confused!!! HELP - I am open for feedback - and thank you!