Always Looks Rashy?...

.:Kalli Rae:.

PF Fiend
Apr 18, 2008
Rapid City SD
My niece and nephew have excema, Trystan is 5 now but when he was a baby his cheeks would turn bright red if formula/food would touch his cheeks. CoryLee gets it more on her legs and in the form of diaper rash. My sister has Eucerin that she puts on them after every bath and that seems to help. She went to the doc to get it diagnosed.


Junior Member
Aug 18, 2008
Twin Cities
Hey Xero,

I just wanted to tell you that I am so impressed by your vigor for parenting. I think, by your picture, that you are rather young and I am just so proud that you reached out like you did at your age. I am 39 and have no idea how to raise my son. But being 39 I am able to admit I have no idea what I am doing and need help! Kudos to you dear lady, you will go far if this is your approach to life!


P.S My boy is a walking rash, eczema related and allergies, but we started using a very expensive cream called Acid Mantle (cheapest at Costco) is a miracle when nothing else worked!


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Wow, thank you very much, that really makes a mother's day to hear someone say nice things about their parenting. Yes, I'm only 21. Got pregnant at 19, had him at 20. Not terribly young, but I wanted to be older before having kids (Eli was a beautiful mistake, if you know what I mean haha). The way I look at it, I only get one chance to be Eli's mother, and to raise him. (I might get the chance to be a mother again, but only one time to Eli). So I want to get it as right as I can, you know? I figured if I could just do one thing right in my life, this is my chance to try my hardest. He just means everything in the world to me (like it usually is for mothers).

Anyway nobody knows what they're doing at first. That's why I'm always asking questions. :p Anyway thanks so much for saying such kind words, I really appreciate it. It's hard to explain how it makes me feel, just I guess like the things I do really matter... or something. :D I like to think I can look back on Eli's childhood and know that I was a good mother, and not off partying like other people my age that have kids. And I like to think that other people know I try my hardest. So thank you.

And as an update on Eli's skin, he's pretty much completely cleared up. As he got older, his skin just got better in general, but I know it has a lot to do with the stuff I changed too. I started using Aveeno baby wash and lotion, which is expensive but worked wonders to clear him up, and also I would only put baby oil on his face or hair (but he no longer needs it on his head, he grew out of cradle cap). Only unscented wipes and huggies diapers are to be used along with baby powder applied at every change, and diaper rash cream as needed. All of those things worked like a charm to clear him up! I'd say the only thing I rarely have problems with is a tid bit of diaper rash here and there, which goes away with cream. So yeah! Thanks for all the help and suggestions from everyone.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Aw you think so? :D That's what people have been telling me lately. Thank you!


Junior Member
Sep 23, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I will typically recommend Calendula Cream to patients for rashes of this nature. Two homeopathic remedies that can be helpful in this case are Rhus tox. and Sulphur in 30CH or 200 CH potencies. If you also suffer dry skin at this time of year (or Baby's Dad) then it can be related to the Fall Seasonal Genetic Miasm Psora which would require more treatment protocol and guidance than what I could explain here. I hope this is helpful to you.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
I'm good, thank you. If you read my last post, I have it all cleared up. This is a veeeerrrrrrry old thread. I appreciate the suggestion though. His dad has very sensitive and problematic skin, so I'm sure it's his fault. Lol.