ASD and Gut-Brain connection...


PF Fiend
Jul 22, 2011
Bssage, I have no idea how valid or even interesting this is, but I thought of you and thought that it may be of interest, so here it is.
No idea if it can help in any way, let me know!


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
Thanks pstc.

good story.

We have been working along these lines for a few years now. Her doctor is an internal medicine doctor. And this is kinda what she does. Leaky gut is one of the first test done for Autistic. That and "Fragil X" And if you have an Autistic kid that hasn't had the test. They should. Chloe does not have "leaky gut" per the test. It is VERY common for Autistic s to have this. But we still work along a similar path to reduce the effects of her Autism.

The theory is that what she ingest's is not making the connections within her to supply her with needed nutrients. "Leaky gut" implies that those nutrients are escaping through the stomach lining. A simple stupid example: If she ate a carrot it delivers significant vitamin A which is good for her eyes. Somewhere along the line that carrot does not make the proper connection for the nutrient to do its job. It would never get to her eyes.

Its kinda been an expensive way to go. Ins covers nothing. About 1500$ every couple of months. It is also kinda bothersome to me. As you know I am a "Show Me" kinda guy. This does not have much in the way of statistical proof. And her testing is basically witchcraft to me.

What I do know is that if we remove the supplements from her system. Its like flipping a light switch. She almost instantly regresses along behavior and social area's. Its one of those things that constantly reminds me. I am not as smart as I think I am.

When I say I am already familiar with this. I still appreciate the link. And there is a link within the story I will be checking out when I get a chance.

I am sure most of you know I keep up as best I can with this stuff. I have automatic updates on sites that generate Autism related stuff. But I always appreciate when someone links stuff to me. I would rather read something twice: Than miss something once.

Thanks again
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