bullying needs to stop...


Junior Member
May 30, 2012
Bullies seriously lack confidence in themselves, and probably don't have a good support system at home. They probably aren't treated with much love and so their right to be loved, the seek it the only way an undisciplined youth knows how, to take it. The mind hungers, just as the body. And if it wishes to survive, it will steal food to eat if none is provided.

Now, I face a monster. Now, I'm being bullied. Now, after 30years of life, happily married with children, I'm being bullied by the government, which is were it all begins. The "Trickle down theory". Our government sets the precedence for the nature of our society.

And like my whole life, I am faced with a monster, a 4 headed one. They've threatened my family, my children and destroyed our way of life. The court refuses to look at the truth right under their nose, and pushes our court date 2 months out under the conditions to remain that our family is divided Our poverty stricken state has spawned mutant humans without souls without standards of humanity. They are distinguishing and although I've accepted the horrible truth, I do not accept it.
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PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
Umm, Ok?

This post does not make any sense. I gather CPS took your children away, and you believe they did it wrongly?

Why don't you give us facts, rather than a convoluted rant, so we can post sensible replies?

What are the reason they gave for taking your children?

What is the truth they "refuse" to see?

What do you believe they aim to gain with this?


PF Fiend
May 22, 2012
United States
Your post sounds a lot like a manic episode. If you are indeed bipolar, you might consider taking action to stabilize your moods, so you are better able to communicate yourself. Your excited tone makes it difficult to understand what you are trying to say. Having CPS understand you will probably go a long way toward helping you reach a solution for your children. Best of luck.


Junior Member
May 30, 2012
No, actually they didn't take my children. Unfortunately the TRUTH is practically unbelievable. And people continue on their daily lives in denial.

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PF Fiend
Nov 25, 2009
Eastern North Carolina, USA
I agree that simply saying the government is this overwhelming corrupt power does not help you here... we go by personal stories and questions and talk about them openly. That doesn't make me blind to the truth... it makes me blind to your story. Can you explain what exactly caused CPS to come into your world?

I don't know what happened to you and can't begin to imagine what you've been through. I suggest you look up the book,<I><U> A child called it.</U></I> California failed miserably in that child's case and his case was pivotal in changing some of the laws there to protect children. I know CPS is invasive and sometimes unrealistic. But after reading this book, I'm glad they attempt real investigations and act more aggressively.


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
I gotta agree with the other posters. You post are doing more for CPS than yourself. It appears to be a rant.

I caution you about not allowing others to disagree or question you. Its not your blog: its a forum.

If you have a specific story: piece of advice: or request for help. Please do.

Please dont make this you blog.


PF Addict
Feb 27, 2012
I know its a different country and a different system, but I have been investigated by DHS (the CPS in Victoria, Australia) based off an anonymous complaint.

Yeah, it was invasive, they asked me questions, they asked my husband questions, they asked my kids questions, they explored my house, they checked medical records with our family doctor, they asked questions around the kid's school. In the end, our case closed up as "unreliable complainant"

However, if something was wrong, and they did remove the children, in the end, it would be for the safety of my children, and I put their safety above all. Yes, I would be upset, angry and would fight tooth and nail to get them back, but from their end, taking children out of the care of their parents sometimes is a necessity.

May I ask something personal?

Why were you charged for child abuse?
What was the complaint?
Why did they specifically ask about being hit with a stick?
Why did you have to go to anger management?

Kids are not removed accidentally, its a whole court process and child protection does need to prove to a judge that a removal order would be in the child/ren's best interest.