CA parking lots for people living in their cars...


PF Fiend
Jan 7, 2008
I am amazed Santa Barbara has opened 12 parking lots for people who live in their cars.

From CNN: Mom forced to live in car with dogs

Barbara Harvey climbs into the back of her small Honda sport utility vehicle and snuggles with her two golden retrievers, her head nestled on a pillow propped against the driver's seat.

A former loan processor, the 67-year-old mother of three grown children said she never thought she'd spend her golden years sleeping in her car in a parking lot.

"This is my bed, my dogs," she said. "This is my life in this car right now."
Harvey was forced into homelessness this year after being laid off. She said that three-quarters of her income went to paying rent in Santa Barbara, where the median house in the scenic oceanfront city costs more than $1 million. She lost her condo two months ago and had little savings as backup.

"It went to hell in a handbasket," she said. "I didn't think this would happen to me. It's just something that I don't think that people think is going to happen to them, is what it amounts to. It happens very quickly, too."
Harvey now works part time for $8 an hour, and she draws Social Security to help make ends meet. But she still cannot afford an apartment, and so every night she pulls into a gated parking lot to sleep in her car,along with other women who find themselves in a similar predicament.

There are 12 parking lots across Santa Barbara that have been set up to accommodate the growing middle-class homelessness. These lots are believed to be part of the first program of its kind in the United States, according to organizers.

The lots open at 7 p.m. and close at 7 a.m. and are run by New Beginnings Counseling Center, a homeless outreach organization.

It is illegal for people in California to sleep in their cars on streets. New Beginnings worked with the city to allow the parking lots as a safe place for the homeless to sleep in their vehicles without being harassed by people on the streets or ticketed by police.

Harvey stays at the city's only parking lot for women.
"This is very safe, and that's why I feel very comfortable," she said.

Nancy Kapp, the New Beginnings parking lot coordinator, said the group began seeing a need for the lots in recent months as California's foreclosure crisis hit the city hard. She said a growing number of senior citizens, women and lower- and middle-class families live on the streets.


Related story from the LA Times: California foreclosure "surge": Up 327% from '07 levels

The number of California homes lost to foreclosure in the first quarter surged 327% from year-ago levels -- reaching an average of more than 500 foreclosures per day -- DataQuick said in a report, warning that the widening foreclosure problem could "spread beyond the current categories of dicey mortgages, and into mainstream home loans."


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
Wow. I can totally see how this happens. It's coming close in our town as well. We have such a high rate of people losing their homes from foreclosure.
Some people can not pay the water assesments that the county put in and they are around $10,000 but break it up which is close to a grand a year if not a little more and they will foreclose. People buy houses here and do not think of these "extra" taxes. They get blind sided.
Sep 20, 2008
This is why it is vitally important for people to REALLY reseach the issues and look deeply into McCain's voting record. A McCain presidency will not be in the best interest of the average american. Don't be fooled by his rhetoric, pandering and ploys.

McCain has consistently voted against raising the federal minimum wage and he has voted repeatedly against equal pay for equal work - he has a terrible record when it comes to not only issues of importance to women but veterans as well.

If McCain is elected he will repeal the tax credit given to employers for providing health insurance to their employees. If this happens you can kiss your employer funded health insurance good-bye.

I"m not making this up - read his proposal. :mad: