funny family pet story...


Junior Member
Dec 22, 2013
I just wanted to share something for a little pet laugh and Naturally facebook is going to be integral part. An ex-coworker from a company I used to work for (a company i'm not to fond of). make a comment on facebook "we would not to make an announcement that we will be adding a new addition to our family"
I think its pretty reasonable to assume this means we are pregnant. SO...i told that to my other friend, who also used to work for the company, who also is not to fond of them. We got our good laugh because both of us were in agreement that these are the type of people who just should not be aloud to reproduce.
A couple weeks later my friend came across them at a ball game. Putting on the fake "its good to see you again" face he gave them congrats on the baby and asked how far along she was (she is also not a very skinny person). turned out that there new addition was a puppy.