Grandma Dilema...


Junior Member
Feb 5, 2008
I believe this is an old question asked many different times, we would appreciate some insights.

Players: Grandma, Parents A and Parents B. Parents A consist of Grandma's daughter and her husband (SIL) and Parents B consist of Grandma's son and his wife (DIL).

Parents B have two kids: 2.5 years and 8 months. Parents A have one child 2.5 years. Grandma watches Parents B kids one day a week and Parents A kid one day a week.

Basically, Parents B have great kids. The two and a half year old listens well and despite being 8 months the other child is also very well behaved. Parents B are very appreciative of Grandma watching the kids one day a week for free. They try to arrange for Grandma to have some days off even when Grandma does not ask for them. Parents B do not utilize Grandma for weekends very often, when they do the get gift cards or other gifts for Grandma in appreciation.

Parents A are the opposite. They utilized Grandma more on the weekend. When they use Grandma on the weekend, they will sleep in at home until 10am and then go and pick up at Grandma's. They often do not offer any payment or gift for watching on the weekend. When the daughter drops off the granchild one day a week, there is little interaction or talking. The 2 and a half year old of parents A is a challenge. She cries alot, does not share with other kids, throws temper tantrums, deliberately does things to get attention which = in trouble. Time outs and other behavioral adjustment approaches (coaching, etc. Not to imply spanking) do not work well.

Grandma has a dilema. She feels very under apprciated by her daughter and dreads watching the troublesome 2.5 year old one day of the week. The other day of the week she feels appreciated and looks forward to watching the two well behaved children.

Grandma wants out of one day of the week, but not the other. Obviously she is worried about the feelings of Parents A, regardless of her being treated poorly and taken advantage of.

What should she do?

Thanks in advance.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
Tell the truth. She's a grandma. A grandma should be able to say "your child is too active and I can't keep up so I'm not going to be able to do it anymore" The other parent is just going to have to hear that other children behave a bit better then hers.
Maybe Grandma needs a set pay scale instead of being used and an occasional gift card. Babysitters cost $6- $10 an hour. I think both families are taking advantage of poor g'ma. My opinion.


PF Fanatic
Jan 10, 2008
Raleigh NC
The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

Has the Grandma explained to her daughter that she needs to work on her parenting? She would do her a service if she did it. Because if the daughter's child is out of control at 2.5, imagine what she'll be like at fifteen. It's time for some harsh truths. If grandma can't do that, then just say that she can't sit anymore b/c she can't keep up with their active child. Which is probably also true.