Help your baby sleep faster


New member
Mar 31, 2021
Whether you're a first-time mom or an old pro, chances are you'll encounter more than a few sleepless nights as your infant wakes up crying. Does she need to be fed? Does he need to be changed? Every baby's needs are different, just as every single toddler is different in his or her own unique way. As a parent, it's your job to understand this concept - it's the key to both your happiness!

Standard baby sleep products and old wives tales aren't enough to get your child on a solid, regimented baby sleep schedule. Remember that your son or daughter just spent the last several months in the warmth and comfort of your belly... he or she has no idea of the difference between day or night. Darkness and light are a brand new concept, and many mothers make the mistake of assuming that their newborn will inherently know when it's time to lay down for the night and when it's time to get up in the morning. Not so. Babies have to be taught these things, and the best training you can give them will include a set schedule that you both must adhere to. The further you stray from this routine, the harder it's going to be for your child to fall into a set sleeping pattern.

Keeping your child up all day is another mistake many new parents try to make, thinking this will help in getting baby to sleep through night. The problem with this approach is simple: babies need much more sleep than you do. Very often it's not a matter of the quantity of sleep they get, but the quality and timing of the sleep that's important. Choose nap times for your child that are best suited to your own schedule, then strongly adhere to them. Infants love routine and resist change - you're going to make your child unhappy by breaking that baby sleep schedule just to show him or her off to your friends, family and so on. And when your toddler is screaming at midnight, you're going to make yourself unhappy too.

The Baby Sleep Solution is an amazing guide for the many aspects of this common problem. The techniques and tips within are designed to help you identify which type of sleep category your child falls into, and then gives customized guidelines as to how to get baby to sleep at night. Within you'll learn quick solutions that you can begin applying as early as tonight - solutions that will allow your child to fall asleep on his or her own. This type of sleep is proven to be more restful than just letting an infant cry itself out.


New member
Jun 11, 2021
Hello everybody! I am new here, and thank you for having me. I have 2 kids, and the hardest thing I had to deal with was to get them sleep. Finaly I fined the solution, I'm sure it's worth to give it a try. That's what helped me a lot:


New member
May 24, 2021
Most of the time, the babies find it hard to sleep due to constipation and acid reflux issues. It is best to make sure they are properly fed and their diet is balanced. Enfamil A.R works for that issues and makes sure the babies do not face any such issues. That way, the baby can sleep faster and better.