Hi from East Tn....


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2008
East Tn
I wanted to pop in and say hello. I did post in another thread first since it is what caught my eye. But I wanted to introduce myself anyway.

I am a SAHM to my 2 kids. A dd who is 7y and a ds who is 3y. I am somewere between mainstream and crunchy. We are a co-sleeping, bfing, no longer vaxing, non-circing family. But I dont CD, babywear and we dont eat organic.

I dont visit parenting boards as a general rule but I do belong to another one and have for years. I wanted to check out a different board and get different perspectives on things since I have been isolated on the other board for the most part.

I enjoy reading and sewing either by hand or machine. Reading is what keeps me from going totally nuts. I have 3 cats and around 700 livebearing fish known as Endlers. I love watching them give birth and grow and change.

Anyway I hope to learn some new things here. I will probably lurk more than post for awhile till I get the vibe of the forum. See you around the boards :)