Hi. I love parenting books!


New member
Oct 29, 2020

I've just started up a new publication called Family Book Review (http://medium.com/familybookreview), where we take a look at books focused on family, parenting, children, and relationships to see what insight they can give to improve our lives

This is a call for any writers out there who want to review a family or parenting book and have it included within the publication.

We're looking for 750 - 1500 words, where you talk about the book and how it relates to your life; what you've learned, what you put into practice, or why you don't think the author's ideas apply to your family or relationships.

If you're already a writer on Medium.com then you can write as yourself, but if you're not then we can include your review as a guest post and link back to a profile of yours elsewhere.

You can find more information on how to write for us at https://medium.com/familybookreview/writing-a-review-for-family-book-review-feae9011d65f, as well as find out how to submit a review.

I hope you want to get involved.

Many thanks!
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