Melt Downs...


Junior Member
Jan 17, 2008
I am hoping someone may have a few suggestions on how to stop and or deal with my three year old's melt downs.

As all children have temper tantrums, that is how Miranda started with the odd fit when she would not get what she wanted or was over tiered ect... but they have escalated now to full on melt downs! She throws herself around, she has hurt herself doing this, she has also taken to biting, hitting and kicking.

I have attempted to just leave he be and just allowing her to have the fit that does not seem to help the situation she just gets more intense, I have attempted taking privileges away and or toys again she gets more intense. She never gets what she wants when she acts like this, and she says afterwards when we talk about it that she understands that this is naughty, but they keep happening and are getting worse.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
The first few fits I would explain that her behavior is not nice behavior and that she will never get anything acting like that. Then I would give her a choice "you can act nice now and get a small treat, or you can have a temper tantrum and get nothing" Your choice. So then she's held accountable for her actions.
After a few times and she STILL isn't changing her behavior then I would totally ignore her or laugh at her.
My son tried this I think once and I laughed and looked at him like he was nuts and he did not like looking foolish and I swear he never did it again.
My youngest daughter is six and she likes to whine sometimes so I tell her "I don't understand whine, come back when you can speak English properly" and she will go to her room....regroup and come back with a better attitude.
All children are different but usually they all want your attention rather is good attention or bad attention. She would have no reason to throw a fit if you were not there would she? Don't worry about other people in a store. You'll be surprised how many people understand. Good luck. Patience


PF Addict
Jul 11, 2007
I'm kinda at a loss when it comes to biting and hitting. Is that just for attention?

Does she get what she wants during these? you ever cave? If they know you'll eventually give them something - it'll never stop. Do you give in to her when she whines about smaller issues? It could be she's just spoiled, but the whole biting bit sounds weird.

The few times my son tried this, we just ignored him until he realized it was doing no good at all.


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
FooserX said:
I'm kinda at a loss when it comes to biting and hitting. Is that just for attention?

Does she get what she wants during these? you ever cave? If they know you'll eventually give them something - it'll never stop. Do you give in to her when she whines about smaller issues? It could be she's just spoiled, but the whole biting bit sounds weird.

The few times my son tried this, we just ignored him until he realized it was doing no good at all.
I agree with fooser. 90% of the time this acting out comes solely from being denied something the child wants. They behave this way thinking you will give in. If you do it will never end. Ignoring the fit and then talking about when it was over worked for us...there is still the random melt down but now it usually comes when she is very tried or not feeling well

CJ's mom

PF Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2008
The joys of parenting..Christopher (2 1/2) does the same, minus the bitting. He'll run to the kitchen and slam the cabinets open and closed. When he acts out like this I tell him," Time out! Now go sit on the staris!" He does but this not prevent further "act outs", it just calms him momentarily. I hope he catches on soon. Also, when he starts throwing things, mostly his toys, I just take them away for a bit. GOOD LUCK :)