

Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
I understand why you just coached her Steve, but I woulda banned the little hating spammer...I'm watching her...


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
no, I don't want to step on your authority, you made a decision and it's a fuzzy line, so I'm going to support you not contradict you. It just bugs me, she posts the pregnant at 40 thing, which seems pretty much like an ad for herr blog, and her blog is so hate filled toward men...."for Moms Only" (yeah, so if she had a site "for whites only" that'd be okay?) and she has some ramble able "Dads who yell at their kids being abusive..." no mention of mom's who yell, because we all know estrogen has a subtle calming effect...(no offense Raia)
just kind of touched a I'm watching her...


PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
You're not stepping on my authority at all....if you feel she deserves banning or an infraction, do it. It won't bother me in the least.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
naw, I was a little heated up yesterday...I'm happy to just give her enough rope and see if she'll ever post again, prolly not.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Wow I did see that, but I didn't look at her blog. I usually do. That sounds ridiculous. What a nasty person!! If she hates men so much, how did she get pregnant at 40? lmao

Don't worry IADad, I know you're right. We were just talking about me PMSing weren't we? haha. And there's no larger amount of men that abuse their kids than women, imo. I was abused for 13 years by my mother. It has nothing to do with gender.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
I don't think she's really so much nasty as ignorant, but I also assume she's beyond hope or I'd try to set her straight...

I don't know maybe statistically there are more fathers abusing, but that's a dangerous assumption as it glosses over women who abuse....(i.e. if you assume it's only men then you assuume women don't abuse and they get off without suspicion/oversight.) It reminds me of the story about how Queen victoria was presented with a law banning homosexuality both between women and between men, and she refused to believe it could exist between women, and had it struck from the law, leaving only the ban on male homosexuality. So, the net effect was to make lesbianism legal while banning male homosexuality...(maybe she wanted it that way....;-) )

I think it's also a stretch to say every parent that yells is being abusive...we've had those discussions about "loosing it." Parents are human too, we do it, we pull back and recognize it's a problem and we stop it. I really wonder if her life is so perfect it could be held up to such scrutiny...

anyway, thanks for the kind words.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Yeah no problem. Hey, I yell too. Sometimes I can't help it. And you know, if that's the worst I can do at my most angry moment, then I think I'm an ok person.

Actually that reminds me yesterday Eli kept sticking things in the fan we just bought (its so hot we had to go out for summer items!!! haha) and I kept telling him not to and then I yelled at him and then he went to time out for it, I was really concerned he was going to lose a finger or get hurt or something!! And then he did it again, and stuck the stick of a pin wheel he just got in the fan to the point that it was making that horrible grating noise and I thought something horrible was going to happen. I couldn't believe him yesterday! I actually smacked his hand over it. :( I felt terrible but he really can't be doing that. I hated it though, I don't like to put my hands on my kid like that. -sigh- However, as much as I did feel bad, he hasn't gone near that fan since.

People that post blogs like her. I think that's so arrogant. What makes her think she just knows so much about parenting that she can write a dumb blog about it and then advertise it on a parenting forum like we can benefit from her amazing parenting knoweledge? Like we need her advice? I mean, I really want to laugh at people like that. I seriously don't care what she has to say. If she can't get a book published, then her advice must not be that great. I can't stand all these people with blogs like "How to raise your kids - My way! :D "



Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
ya know, you do the best with what you have, sure I've spanked, I've smacked a couple of hands, but the number of times I can count on probably one maybe two hands and that's sum total with two kids, and that doesn't make my actions "right." but you do it our of concern, you do it to get an immediate reaction when needed, and if you find yourself doing it because "you can" or it makes you feel better, then it's time to re-examine. About any time I can think of that I've resorted to a real yell, or a slap or spank, I've followed up with explanation about being concerned and needing them to stop immediately, that I love them and need them to be safe. I've apologized to my older for yelling when it hasn't been appropriate and we talk about treating people like you want to be treated and that we should treat family like we do strangers, with those same careful manners. I think it's serves well to discuss the fallability of parents, but also the fact that the buck stops with us....I think they can respect a parent who's not perfect but is straight up with them...and I've found myself yelling a lot less....


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Yeah that makes a lot of sense, its kind of how I feel. Its a little harder to explain why you do things to a 2 year old, but I still try my hardest. After I did that and he got up from timeout I made sure he looked me in the eyes and I told him "You can't stick things in the fan. You're going to get hurt. You scared Mommy. Mommy doesn't want you to hurt your fingers, okay?" And he said okay.

I can also say that I can count on one hand how many times I've ever swatted a hand or a butt. But sometimes like you said it just seemed necessary to quickly get a really important point across that was seeming to fail in every other way, you know? :/

I can't WAIT until Eli is old enough that I can really talk to him about things. That is a day I really look forward to, because I think its so important and effective.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
It's coming very soon, and it will hit you all at once - wow, he understands and can tell me. Happene right around the time DS2 turned 3.