My kid won't go fishing with me.


New member
Oct 4, 2021
Madison, Wisconsin.
I recently asked my 11 year old son to go fishing with me, but he told me he doesn't want to kill fish. I tried to explain it wasn't wrong because its just a fish but he doesn't understand. I just wanna build the good bond I built with his grandpa over fishing. He's been fishing since he was just a little boy but now all these stupid social media people are getting in my little conservative boys head. We have fish hanging on all of our walls how could he suddenly be against it, some are even from his. Please give advice on how to change his mind again and get him to fish with his old papa.


Nov 9, 2020
Have you considered doing catch and release? That way you can both still participate in the activity while also respecting his new value.

Alternatively, you can point out that how anything he eats was killed or will eventually die (including plants, even if it's not immediate. Eggs and milk are also good examples). You could potentially use this as a springboard to discuss how hunting and fishing himself is more humane than supporting factory farms (I saw on your other post that you're a farmer so you'll probably have better insight on all that than I ever could) or how going full vegetarian or vegan essentially denies food to the animals that would eat them. Also just a general talk on the food chain and circle of life (When we die we become the grass, the antelope eat the grass, and we eat the antelope yada yada).

I'm curious what direction you go and how it turns out so please come back and let me know. :)


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Nov 3, 2021
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