need advise and here 2 help 2...


Nov 10, 2009
hi everyone,
i have an 11yr old daughter gianna and a 4yr old son alexander plus one on the way. i am happily married to the most wonderful husband and daddy and we also have one pet dog bruno. i am joining this site for two reasons one to share and receive advice/thoughts/moments and two to share this amazing helpful site i found that i believe everyone should know about ( especially the way our economy and prices of having a family is today). so first i have two great kids that are amazingly well behaved and so loving but i am expecting another one and i am about 12 weeks now and the pregnancy is not going all that good. i have been to the er numerous times and i have a threatened miscarriage but i am starting to get a belly thats getting hard to hide and i dont know what to tell the kids (mostly my 11 yr old). the doctors have told me i have a tear in the lining of the womb and its bleeding and i really have no clue what that means and of course every doc i ask they never give me a straight answer i just get well it could be good but it could also go bad. i dont want to tell them and then some thing bad happen and have them go through that as well. any advise anyone? also my 4 yr old is starting to lie, not really anything bad but he starts making up stories and hiding stuff when he does something wrong. is that normal and how do i handle it? i try to explain why it is wrong to tell lies and make up stories but i dont think he really understands and i really dont know how to put it to make him understand. any advise anyone?
second since i have been very sick with the preg i have been on meds and i have only had my insurance for 4 months and my insurance doesnt cover pregnancy untill ive had the insurance for 6 months. so my grandmother who just recently got over ovarian and clear cell cancer gave me a perscription discount card website and i have used it for my kids medicines and it has been a real life saver with mine. i went on to the site and it was so simple i have to give no info i just printed out a card. so if you or your family or someone you know needs rx help the website is My Rx Help ( if you use it i hope you find it as helpful as i did).
well i hope this wasnt to long and that your still with me here so i can get some replies on what to do with my situation. Any one needs advise i am also here to do my best =)
have a great day and take care
Gianna and Alexanders mom