Once the official start of the "My Career"


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Nov 30, 2021
The player's abilities is reduced to 60 points average prior to NBA 2K22 MT the beginning of the game. Take part in the G-League or attend college to join the NBA.

Once the official start of the "My Career" mode, participants will be faced with the option to "enter the university to participate in the league", "participate in the G-League" or "participate in the NBA draft." If you decide to take part in the NBA however, you will not be admitted to the university again , and continue to participate in the G-League If you decide to sign up for the G-League, you can continue to play in the NBA after the end of a season, but you can't continue to play in the college league.

It is possible to select any university and play all three options. If the player wishes to Buy NBA 2K22 MT Coins get the most experiences or test their skills it is best to participate in the college league in the beginning. Then, move into the G-League and finally the NBA. Additionally, if triumph in the college championship and win the championship, the athlete earn an additional badge.