out of town...

16th ave.

PF Addict
Jan 4, 2009
East Texas
The husband was watching TV as his wife was out cutting the grass during the hot summer. He finally worked up the energy to go out and ask his wife, "What's for supper?"

"WHAT?!? You sit in the air conditioning all day while I'm out here working! I can't believe you have the nerve to ask me about supper right now! Tell you what -- imagine I'm out of town.

Go inside and figure out dinner for yourself."

The husband went back in the house and fixed himself a big steak with potatoes, garlic bread and a tall glass of iced tea.

The wife finally finished the lawn and walked in about the time he was finishing up. "You fixed something to eat? So where is mine?"

"Huh? I thought you were out of town."