Post your babies schedule here!...


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2008
I just wanted to start this thread so we could share our babies age and their current schedule and activities - to give each other ideas and suggestions!! (Mine is wanting his breakfast right now! So I will post this afternoon)


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
since my daughter (5 yr o) started 1st grade a couple weeks back we've had to change up our schedual a little bit. Bub seems to be handling it well though. He's going to 18 months old on Friday. Here's a little of what our day looks like together

7am up and out of bed
7:15am is breakfast
after breakfast I get my oldest out the door and off to school (DH takes her)
8:15-11:30 we play, read, have snacks, and watch sesame street
11:45-3 is nap time currently
3ish he wakes up and has a sandwich or something and we walk up to the school to get sissy (weather promitting)
4-6 we do more playing, homework/chores for the oldest, small snacks if they want them
6ish we eat dinner and after dinner we may take a bike ride or walk
7pm we start a calm down time which includes bathes, stories, sometimes a movie or boardgame for the oldest, quite activities only after dinner time on school nights. The kids go up to bed at about 7:45 during the week and they are allowed to watch TV or a movie quitely in bed until 8:30 as long as the oldest's behavior as been good all day and she completed all of her responsiblities with no issues


Junior Member
Sep 5, 2008
I work full-time and DH stays home with the kiddo and here it is:
5:30 wake up and feed the boy (he wakes me up). Sometimes he goes back to bed, but lately, he's been staying up - yuk!
7:30/8:00 morning nap, depending on if he's been up all morning.
9:00 bottle of bm
10:30 fruit & yogurt
12:00 lunch (veggies, cheese, and diluted apple juice)
1:00 afternoon nap
3:30/4:00 bottle of bm
5:00 I get home and get to be a mom
6:00 dinner
7:30 bath, then nurse before bed.

He pretty much sticks to this schedule, but it fluctuates a bit depending on when he gets up for the day. This morning was slightly brutal - he got up at 4:30am, but thankfully he went back to bed. He's STTN since about 7 months, so I have no room to complain on the sleep department.


PF Addict
Sep 10, 2008
I would have to say we have been pretty lucky with a 21m and 4m old.

7-730 wakeup/breakfast
10-1030 snack
1230-100 lunch
~1-3 nap
330-400 snack
6-630 dinner
8-830 bed

Of course the 4m old naps in between these times but both our kids have STTN pretty consistently since they were 2-2.5m old. :)


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Haha you guys are going to love my schedule. You guys will be able to tell I'm still young after reading this post. I'm also quite a night owl, so you know. Eli is my only child, he is 12 months old. His schedule when it comes to sleep is ALWAYS exact! Eating fluctuates, but not too much. It goes:

9:00am - I grab his cup of milk out of the fridge, wake him up take him out to the livingroom, change him, give him the cup, and we cuddle on the couch staring at the tv for a few minutes.

9:30am - I set out some pieces of cereal and maybe dried fruit or something for him to eat for breakfast. He seems to only pick at his food this time of day, but I think it's because I don't make him sit in his high chair.

10am-12:30pm - He varies from thing to thing, like he'll play by himself all over the house, I'll play with him, we'll read, or he'll stare at the TV (but it only holds his interest for moments at a time). Lately his big thing is to sit in his toy boxes. IN them. And play with his toys. He's actually amazing at playing by himself, it's almost like he prefers it that way sometimes.

12:30pm - He eats lunch, whether I feed him something or he eats it with his fingers, in his high chair. This is usually his best meal for some reason, he eats great during lunch.

1-4pm - He takes a nap. It seems long, doesn't it? But that's how long he always sleeps! Every single day without fail, a three hour nap! Every now and again he'll wake up early and be very tired and cranky closer to bed time.

4-5ish - More playing of the same type, it's usually this time of day that I try to get him outside for some activity in the lawn, or for a walk in the stroller, or even just to go out to the store or something. I think he gets bored in the house just like anybody else.

5 or 6pm - I feed him dinner, or he eats it himself in his high chair. He does well with those Gerber Graduate things. They're nice. But he eats a lot of the stuff we do too. After he's done I put some Gerber juice in his cup (the rest of the time I let him carry around his cup with milk in it, he likes to have it with him lol). Oh and get this, he's been able to feed himself with a spoon more or less since he was 10 months old, and he loves to. He's pretty good at it now. Maybe it's normal, but I think it's crazy.

More playing and random stuff...

8:30-9:00pm - I give him a bath and he plays in it really cute, but every other day because he has very sensitive skin and it will dry out if I bathe him every day. However if he got into something or ate spaghetti or in general just had a messy day I would still give him a bath even if he had one the night before, you get it. He's kind of a pain to get dressed too, I pretty much have to chase him around with the lotion.

9:00pm - I put out some kind of snack for him and he munches. He also snacks at random during the day, I just make sure he gets this one so he has something in his tummy for bed.

9:30-9:50pm - I try to have him settle down and cuddle and read or something to get ready for bed, and at this time I put toddler formula in his cup. He only gets 8 ounces once a day, because I get worried about his nutrition lol. I'm paranoid. The rest of the time it's milk and occasionally juice.

10:00pm - He goes to sleep! He usually doesn't cry at all anymore when I put him in bed, he's really great about it. It used to be a real fight but all I had to do was get his schedule right. And I also let him have a cup in bed (I know, I'm bad, you don't have to tell me). But every now and again he'll wake up and cry because he can't find his cup, or his cup is empty and I either find it for him or get him some more.

And then the cycle starts over again! :)


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Wow, that's so interesting. Well hey, I appreciate it lol. Three hours to myself? Oh yeah.


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
I enjoy the long naps gives me time while my daughter is in school to whatever I want around the house and enjoy the silence for a while lol


Junior Member
Sep 29, 2008
Groton CT
Damien gets up when I take a shower at 6am.
6am-8am: TV time with mommy, eating his breakfast.
8am-11am: Plays with his barnyard toy, his cars, and his sandbox outside.
11am-Noon: Lunch time
Noon-2/3pm: Nap time! He sleeps like a rock with his blanket and his sippy cup of milk.
2/3pm-5pm: Outside time with the neighbor's kid, a 3 year old girl. They play in the sandbox and on the structures we own.
5pm-6pm: Dinner time and this is around the time that I get home from work unless I have duty (overnight watches on the boat)
6pm-8pm: Sprout's Good Night Show, then a bath, followed by his milk and blanket to go night nights. He has been a STTN baby since he was around 2 months so life is good, Daddy can turn on his video games at that point :)

He has stuck to a schedule since he was born. Damien has been such a good boy, even now with his little fits lol.


PF Fanatic
Dec 17, 2007
UGH! DH and I are working on schedules too. We are going on a family vacation Thursday so the schedule will start the following Monday.

We haven't had one since I've been out of the military and staying at home full time, but I'm starting to see the differences (the unhappy ones) in the girls now that they don't have a routine to follow.