potty training regression...


PF Fanatic
Dec 17, 2007
Alenya has been potty trained for a few months and doing great! We found that just praise was enough to make her go. We still do it all time, even when she got it down so she would still see the importance of going potty.

Well, for the past few months...since I took her out of daycare to be a stay at home mom actually she's had this horrible regression. She just doesn't care about going to the potty. Normally she would tell us she had to go and we would take her, or if she wanted to go by herself we would let her and just stand outside the door and peek in. Not at all now! She just pees or poos herself and just sits there and continues what she's doing.

This started in late September. It's just getting worse too...today she hasn't gone in the potty once!

We take her and she wont go and she'll cry and cry the whole time.

In the beginning we were being very calm about it, just cleaning it up and reminding her to go, taking her ourselves, but now that it's getting worse I see myself and my husband getting more upset about it. A few times when she laughs about going in her pants I've yelled at her, put her in time out...it's just like nothing gets to her!

I don't know what to do...we're so upset by this and we don't want to upset her...but we don't know what to do!!!


PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
I think the change in atmosphere from daycare to full time home probably didn't help the situation. Continue to encourage her to use the bathroom and she'll get back to it.


PF Addict
Sep 29, 2008
I think that Steve is right all you can do is try to make the potty a positive place for her and try to be patient and treat it like its your first time potty training her. Eventually she'll get back into the swing of things. Also try to keep her routine stable for a while. Remind her often to go to the potty and try not to pressure her.

Good Luck


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
regression is normal but this does seem a little much. Is she not taking the time to go because she to busy playing or something? Are you asking her through out the day if she has to go? I have a feeling at the daycare they probably asked the kids quite a bit if they needed to go and she probably became use to the constant reminders. You could try talking to her doc as well, there could be a bladder infection involved. Also did her sister attend the same daycare as she did, and if so were they actually together there? I wonder if it's because you have to stop everything and change her younger sister and she becomes jealous of that extra time? Kids find the strangest things to get jealous about. My daughter all of sudden will need me desperately when she sees I'm doing something for her brother...lol


PF Fanatic
Dec 17, 2007
I still put her in panties during the day and pull ups at night. I'm hoping that the feeling of being wet and uncomfortable will get to her.

Yes, they went to the same daycare, but were in different classes.

She doesn't appear to be jealous whenever I change Kaitlyn. I thought about that too.

I remind her about once an hour to go. And I'll hold her hand and walk her over there myself and she'll sometimes complain unless there is a treat or something afterwards.

At daycare they have a small potty that is just her size and she would just walk over to it and go by herself after telling the teachers. She was doing so great there...and whenever I take her their to play for a few hours she wont have any accidents, maybe one, but it's rare.


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2008
It sounds like she is envious of the time spent with your infant. Also, by yelling at her, she is getting more attention. Negative attention, but still it is attention. When she wets herself, does she want changed immediately. Perhaps, you can tell her that if she continues to wet herself that she will have to wear diapers again. Also, bribe her that you would buy her some pretty fancy panties, but you can't until she no longer wets herself. Briobery worked on my daughter when she was that age.(Now, she is all grown with baby of her own)
Okay, just my 2 cents. Good luck!


Junior Member
Dec 1, 2008
The last thing you want to do is to lost your control and yell at her. The best advice is to be patient and keep reminding and encouraging her. She is probably trying to attract attention to herself. Best wishes.