Reported Post by parentastic...


PF Fiend
Jul 22, 2011
parentastic has reported a post.

Getting dangerously close to trolling, again. How long do we have to tolerate someone who uses fallacies, straw man arguments and appeals to emotions to present his harmful information? *sigh*
Post: Parenting lesson from Sheriff Taylor
Forum: General
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: tadamsmar
Original Content:
Reasoning from root causes without empirical findings to back up the reasoning kills babies.

Empirical findings without a known root cause saves the lives of babies.

If you don't like the idea of an empirical finding without a root cause, then just dream a root cause up. It's easy because the standards in psychodynamics are very very low. However the standards for empirical finds are very very high, you need well-designed experiments that statistically reject the altenative hypotheses.