Reported Post by parentastic...


PF Fiend
Jul 22, 2011
parentastic has reported a post.

Direct attacks at me, AGAIN.
I am TIRED OF THIS. I want this to STOP.
How long do we have to endure this again?
Post: Documenting Parentastic's errors
Forum: Parenting Debate
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: tadamsmar
Original Content:
I want to document some of Parentastics errors on the closed thread.

I already cited Gershoff endorsing Kazdin's Parent Management Training:[/url]

And I already cited Shonkoff endorsing the Incredible Years and Triple P that includes all the methods that Kazdin recommends:[/url]

Parentastic, for the sake of consistency you should be appalled by Gershoff and Shonkoff and consider them dangerous since you consider Kazdin's Parent Management Training to be appalling and dangerous. It makes no sense for you to be going around claiming that they support your position.

The position of Gershoff and Shonkoff is identical to my position and at odds with your position.