Reported Post by singledad...


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
singledad has reported a post.

This guy is copying and pasting the same paragraph, with a link to his website in multiple threads. Spam, if you ask me...
Post: New and in need of advice
Forum: New Member Introductions
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: livedrugfree
Original Content:
EmptyNester64 said:
Hello everyone. I am a mother of a 22 year old cancer survivor who is in her last year of college and living on her own but still needing a great deal of financial suppport to maintain her independence. I also have a 24 year old son who was dismissed from the military for failing alcohol rehab, was charged with a 2nd DUI recently, lives at home and refuses to work or do anything to help out around the house. I have given him an ultimatum to find work or move out. He decided instead to become beligerent and disrespectful. I served him with an eviciton notice and I'm sticking to my guns. it's time to uncover those thorns in this mother eagle's nest. Any advice?
I'm the father of 3 teens and I know how difficult parenting teenagers can be. I'm also the executive director of a nonprofit drug and alcohol prevention agency. We have a lot of free information on keeping kids drug and alcohol free. This is a link to our site with a lot of free information.