Reported Post by Xero...


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Xero has reported a post.

Post: Teen Drinking
Forum: Adolescence/Puberty
Assigned Moderators: smap, Kaytee, fallon

Posted by: bssage
Original Content:
I think people get tunnel vision. What works for some kids may not work for others (how many people know a family where only one of the kids have issues) . And what works for one family may not work for others.

I think (IMHO) the most important thing is setting a good example. Once that is established then there are probably several different stratagies that will work. The second most important thing. Education give them the facts.

The thing is some people can have one drink, one puff, ect and instantly have issues. If you have set a good example and given them the tools to make informed decisions. You are more likely to have favorable results.

You cant spend the rest of your life beating yourself up if a kid goes south. I had a lot of issues as a teen and I have never blamed my parents. I knew right from wrong and I made bad decisions.

there's been a lot of good information and stratagies here. All I am saying is you have to pick a statagy that works for you. I think the enviroment is probably more important the the stratagy.
