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PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
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really old.
Post: Son about to turn 18 need curfew advice
Forum: Young Adult
Assigned Moderators: smap, Kaytee, fallon

Posted by: JessicaMadison
Original Content:
I also think 1 or 2 am is reasonable.
My son is 18 and his curfew is 2 am.
When he first turned 18, he went a little rebellious. He was saying things like, 'Well I'm 18 and that means legally I'm an adult and legally I can do whatever I want or stay out as late as I want!'

Your Son might go through saying something like that.
When Hunter said that to me I just said, 'As long as you are living under my roof, you will be obeying the rules your father and I have set for you. '

He straightened out real fast then and now he is home 2 am on the dot. He has his own car so there is no reason for him being late!

Good luck!