Research Study on Childbirth Stories...


Junior Member
Feb 19, 2008
Hello Moms,

I am conducting a research study on *first* childbirth experiences and would love your participation. Below is a detailed description of the study.

*Hello board administrators - I hope I have your blessing to post. Let me know if I need to do something additional to receive approval!*

Birth Narratives

This is an invitation to participate in a research study on first childbirth experiences.


You are invited to submit the story of your first childbirth experience. Please include as much detail as you feel comfortable sharing. There is no length requirement. You may send the story to me via email at emacey @ or you may post it as a response on this forum. Please see the note below about confidentiality.

In addition to your narrative, information on the following is optional, but would be helpful for my research:
-Your marital status
-Your education level
-Your ethnicity
-Your approximate income level


It is hoped that this study will contribute to a greater understanding of birth experiences in the United States.


You are welcome to either post your story or to send your story to me via email. Please note that if you post your story in this forum, it will be publicly available to anyone who visits this website. Before I write up the findings of this research, identifying characteristics will be removed and you will be invited to review the findings to be sure that your experience has been accurately interpreted. You are welcome to remove your story from the study at any time.


If you have questions at any time about the study or the procedures, you may contact the researcher,
Erin Macey, at 526 S Western Dr, Bloomington, IN 47403, 812-323-7838, and emacey @

If you feel you have not been treated according to the descriptions in this form, or your rights as a participant in research have not been honored during the course of this project, you may contact the office for the Indiana University Bloomington Human Subjects Committee, Carmichael Center L03, 530 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN 47408, 812/855-3067, or by e-mail at


Your participation in this study is voluntary, you may refuse to participate without penalty. If you decide to participate, you may withdraw from the study at anytime without penalty and without loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you withdraw from the study before data collection is completed your data will be returned to you or destroyed.

January 20, 2008

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